Check-in [45f53ef26a]
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SHA1 Hash:45f53ef26a810045b4bfef141eb436cce20259a3
Date: 2012-07-14 11:42:33
User: kinaba
Comment:Auto solver.
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Diffs: redesign
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Modified test.d from [2d52631f9ee4aac8] to [36818da9efe958b4].

195 195 case 'D': return command_D(); 196 196 case 'U': return command_U(); 197 197 case 'L': return command_L(); 198 198 case 'R': return command_R(); 199 199 case 'A': return abort(); 200 200 default: return wait(); 201 201 } 202 + } else { 203 + Tuple!(char,int)[] cand; 204 + for(int i=0; i<ly.length; ++i) { 205 + auto r = search(sy,sx,ly[i],lx[i]); 206 + cand ~= r; 207 + } 208 + sort!((Tuple!(char,int) c1, Tuple!(char,int) c2){ 209 + if(c1[1] != c2[1]) 210 + return c1[1] < c2[1]; 211 + return c1[0] < c2[0]; 212 + })(cand); 213 + switch(cand[0][0]) { 214 + case 'D': return command_D(); 215 + case 'U': return command_U(); 216 + case 'L': return command_L(); 217 + case 'R': return command_R(); 218 + case 'A': return abort(); 219 + default: return wait(); 220 + } 202 221 } 203 222 return wait(); 204 223 } 205 224 Tuple!(char,int) search(int sy, int sx, int oy, int ox) 206 225 { 207 226 alias Tuple!(int,"y",int,"x") Pt; 208 227 Pt[] q = [Pt(oy,ox)]; 228 + bool[][] v = new bool[][](H,W); 209 229 for(int step=1; q.length; ++step) { 210 230 Pt[] q2; 211 231 foreach(p; q) { 212 - 213 232 int[] dy=[-1,+1,0,0]; 214 233 int[] dx=[0,0,-1,+1]; 215 234 for(int i=0; i<4; ++i) { 216 235 int y = p.y+dy[i]; 217 236 int x = p.x+dx[i]; 237 + if(v[y][x]) continue; 218 238 if(y==sy && x==sx) { 219 239 if(i==0) return tuple('D',step); 220 240 if(i==1) return tuple('U',step); 221 241 if(i==2) return tuple('R',step); 222 242 if(i==3) return tuple('L',step); 223 243 } else if(data[y][x]==' '||data[y][x]=='\\') { 224 244 q2 ~= Pt(y,x); 245 + v[y][x]=true; 225 246 } else if(data[y][x]=='.' && data[y-1][x]!='*') { 226 247 q2 ~= Pt(y,x); 248 + v[y][x]=true; 227 249 } 228 250 } 229 251 } 230 252 q = q2; 231 253 } 232 254 q = [Pt(oy,ox)]; 255 + v = new bool[][](H,W); 233 256 for(int step=1<<10; q.length; ++step) { 234 257 Pt[] q2; 235 258 foreach(p; q) { 236 259 237 260 int[] dy=[-1,+1,0,0]; 238 261 int[] dx=[0,0,-1,+1]; 239 262 for(int i=0; i<4; ++i) { 240 263 int y = p.y+dy[i]; 241 264 int x = p.x+dx[i]; 265 + if(v[y][x]) continue; 242 266 if(y==sy && x==sx) { 243 267 if(i==0) return tuple('D',step); 244 268 if(i==1) return tuple('U',step); 245 269 if(i==2) return tuple('R',step); 246 270 if(i==3) return tuple('L',step); 247 271 } else if(data[y][x]==' '||data[y][x]=='\\') { 248 272 q2 ~= Pt(y,x); 273 + v[y][x]=true; 249 274 } else if(data[y][x]=='.'/* && data[y-1][x]!='*'*/) { 250 275 q2 ~= Pt(y,x); 276 + v[y][x]=true; 251 277 } 252 278 } 253 279 } 254 280 q = q2; 255 281 } 256 282 return tuple('A',int.max); 257 283 }