Check-in [71cbce70b5]
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SHA1 Hash:71cbce70b5ec113ec89588541d9b7c758e641060
Date: 2012-07-15 02:43:01
User: kinaba
Comment:Changed a corp symbol from 'D' to 'd' for avoid conflict.
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Diffs: redesign
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Tags And Properties

Modified src/gui.d from [32e0c6f4fbd77c98] to [8a1eba48f0346eec].

60 60 this.setStyle(ControlStyles.OPAQUE, true); 61 61 this.font = new Font("MS Gothic", cell-2, GraphicsUnit.PIXEL); 62 62 this.backColor = Color(255,255,255); 63 63 this.colors['#'] = 64 64 this.colors['.'] = Color(255,191,127); 65 65 this.colors['*'] = Color(255,127,127); 66 66 this.colors['R'] = Color(128,128,0); 67 - this.colors['D'] = Color(255,0,0); 67 + this.colors['d'] = Color(255,0,0); 68 68 this.colors['\\'] = 69 69 this.colors['L'] = 70 70 this.colors['O'] = Color(127,255,127); 71 71 this.colors['W'] = Color(204,229,255); 72 72 foreach(char c; 'A'..'J') this.colors[c] = Color(142,142,255); 73 73 foreach(char c; '1'..':') this.colors[c] = Color(255,142,255); 74 74 this.render['#'] = "■"; 75 75 this.render['*'] = "✹"; 76 76 this.render['.'] = "♒"; 77 77 this.render['\\'] = "λ"; 78 78 this.render['R'] = "☃"; 79 - this.render['D'] = "☠"; 79 + this.render['d'] = "☠"; 80 80 this.render['L'] = "☒"; 81 81 this.render['O'] = "☐"; 82 82 foreach(c,tp; { 83 83 char d =[tp]; 84 84 this.render[c] = [cast(dchar)('㋀'+d-'1')].to!string(); 85 85 } 86 86 foreach(char c; '1'..':') this.render[c] = [cast(dchar)('㏠'+c-'1')].to!string(); ................................................................................ 104 104 // Paint map. 105 105 for(int y=1; y<; ++y) 106 106 for(int x=1; x<; ++x) { 107 107 Rect r = Rect(cell*(x-1), scrH-cell*y, cell, cell); 108 108 char c =[y,x]; 109 109 if( c != ' ' ) { 110 110 if( c == 'R' && g.dead ) 111 - c = 'D'; 111 + c = 'd'; 112 112 graphicContext.drawText(this.render[c], font, this.colors[c], r); 113 113 } 114 114 } 115 115 116 116 // Update textual info. 117 117 this.text = .text("Score: ", g.score, " Air: ", g.hp, " Tide: ", g.water_until_rise); 118 118 invalidate();