Check-in [9c48acc38d]
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SHA1 Hash:9c48acc38de9ae28e8d23c6acf0b899063f3ffe4
Date: 2012-07-16 18:08:54
User: kinaba
Comment:gui: auto-center
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Diffs: redesign
Downloads: Tarball | ZIP archive
Other Links: files | file ages | manifest
Tags And Properties

Modified src/gui.d from [93d9f5f261f71d2c] to [2b6041f7525bfa95].

20 20 t.interval = 50; 21 21 t.tick ~= (Timer s, EventArgs e){command(solver.single_step());}; 22 22 t.start(); 23 23 this.closing ~= (Form f,CancelEventArgs c){t.stop();}; 24 24 } else { 25 25 setup_keyhandling(command); 26 26 } 27 + this.startPosition = FormStartPosition.CENTER_SCREEN; 27 28; 28 29 } 29 30 30 31 override void on_game_changed(char c, in Game g, bool finished) 31 32 { 32 33 draw(g); 33 34 }