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Differences From Artifact [3ea557146e66a2fa]:

To Artifact [41ba420d0c49ce8d]:

1 1 public import std.algorithm; 2 2 public import std.array; 3 3 public import std.conv; 4 4 public import std.range; 5 5 public import std.stdio; 6 6 public import std.string; 7 7 public import std.typecons; 8 +public import std.math; 8 9 import std.c.stdlib; 9 10 10 11 // To avoide the following ICE: 11 12 // src\phobos\std\algorithm.d(4552): 12 13 // Error: function std.algorithm.count!("a == b",string,char).count 13 14 // compiler error, parameter 'value', bugzilla 2962? 14 15 // Assertion failure: '0' on line 717 in file 'glue.c'