Check-in [1b261bd13b]
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SHA1 Hash:1b261bd13bd83d7a0b8ba9e532a0dedf01741a8e
Date: 2012-07-16 15:32:03
User: kinaba
Comment:Run Wind and Forest both and take better.
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Diffs: redesign
Downloads: Tarball | ZIP archive
Other Links: files | file ages | manifest
Tags And Properties

Modified src/main.d from [f6cab5c23c5cba1e] to [51a9d789eb377d34].    [diff]

Modified src/output.d from [95ed42a2d89e1fef] to [bdd3d4d83c822b4b].    [diff]

Modified src/solver.d from [4eed871f814ba3b0] to [3f2a2d28b89b3fbf].    [diff]