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Artifact 27ad20bc14df99383e6d54b16e51ce7a725e4534

     1  /**
     2   * Authors: k.inaba
     3   * License: NYSL 0.9982
     4   *
     5   * Evaluator for Polemy programming language.
     6   */
     7  module polemy.eval;
     8  import polemy._common;
     9  import polemy.failure;
    10  import polemy.ast;
    11  import polemy.parse;
    12  import polemy.value;
    13  import std.typecons;
    14  import std.stdio;
    16  ///
    17  Table createGlobalContext()
    18  {
    19  	auto ctx = new Table;
    20  	ctx.set("+", "@v", native( (IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue( +;} ));
    21  	ctx.set("-", "@v", native( (IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue( -;} ));
    22  	ctx.set("*", "@v", native( (IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue( *;} ));
    23  	ctx.set("/", "@v", native( (IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue( /;} ));
    24  	ctx.set("%", "@v", native( (IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue( %;} ));
    25  	ctx.set("||", "@v", native( (IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue(BigInt((!=0) || (!=0) ? 1:0));} ));
    26  	ctx.set("&&", "@v", native( (IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue(BigInt((!=0) && (!=0) ? 1:0));} ));
    27  	ctx.set("<", "@v", native( (Value lhs, Value rhs){return new IntValue(BigInt(lhs < rhs ? 1: 0));} ));
    28  	ctx.set(">", "@v", native( (Value lhs, Value rhs){return new IntValue(BigInt(lhs > rhs ? 1: 0));} ));
    29  	ctx.set("<=", "@v", native( (Value lhs, Value rhs){return new IntValue(BigInt(lhs <= rhs ? 1: 0));} ));
    30  	ctx.set(">=", "@v", native( (Value lhs, Value rhs){return new IntValue(BigInt(lhs >= rhs ? 1: 0));} ));
    31  	ctx.set("==", "@v", native( (Value lhs, Value rhs){return new IntValue(BigInt(lhs == rhs ? 1: 0));} ));
    32  	ctx.set("!=", "@v", native( (Value lhs, Value rhs){return new IntValue(BigInt(lhs != rhs ? 1: 0));} ));
    33  	ctx.set("print", "@v", native( (Value a){
    34  		writeln(a);
    35  		return new IntValue(BigInt(178));
    36  	}));
    37  	ctx.set("if", "@v", native( (IntValue x, FunValue ft, FunValue fe){
    38  		auto toRun = ( ? fe : ft);
    39  		return toRun.invoke(null, "@v", toRun.definitionContext());
    40  //		return toRun.invoke(pos, lay, toRun.definitionContext());
    41  	}));
    42  	ctx.set("_isint", "@v", native( (Value v){return new IntValue(BigInt(cast(IntValue)v is null ? 0 : 1));} ));
    43  	ctx.set("_isstr", "@v", native( (Value v){return new IntValue(BigInt(cast(StrValue)v is null ? 0 : 1));} ));
    44  	ctx.set("_isfun", "@v", native( (Value v){return new IntValue(BigInt(cast(FunValue)v is null ? 0 : 1));} ));
    45  	ctx.set("_isundefined", "@v", native( (Value v){return new IntValue(BigInt(cast(UndValue)v is null ? 0 : 1));} ));
    46  	ctx.set("_istable", "@v", native( (Value v){return new IntValue(BigInt(cast(Table)v is null ? 0 : 1));} ));
    47  	ctx.set(".", "@v", native( (Table t, StrValue s){
    48  		return (t.has(, "@v") ? t.get(, "@v") : new UndValue);
    49  	}) );
    50  	ctx.set(".?", "@v", native( (Table t, StrValue s){
    51  		return new IntValue(BigInt(t.has(, "@v") ? 1 : 0));
    52  	}) );
    53  	ctx.set(".=", "@v", native( (Table t, StrValue s, Value v){
    54  		auto t2 = new Table(t, Table.Kind.NotPropagateSet);
    55  		t2.set(, "@v", v);
    56  		return t2;
    57  	}) );
    58  	ctx.set("{}", "@v", native( (){
    59  		return new Table;
    60  	}) );
    61  	return ctx;
    62  }
    64  /// Entry point of this module
    66  Tuple!(Value,"val",Table,"ctx") evalString(S,T...)(S str, T fn_ln_cn)
    67  {
    68  	return eval( polemy.parse.parseString(str, fn_ln_cn) );
    69  }
    71  /// Entry point of this module
    73  Tuple!(Value,"val",Table,"ctx") evalFile(S, T...)(S filename, T ln_cn)
    74  {
    75  	return eval( polemy.parse.parseFile(filename, ln_cn) );
    76  }
    78  /// Entry point of this module
    80  Tuple!(Value,"val",Table,"ctx") eval(AST e)
    81  {
    82  	Table ctx = createGlobalContext();
    83  	return typeof(return)(eval(e, ctx, false, "@v"), ctx);
    84  }
    86  Value invokeFunction(in LexPosition pos, Value _f, AST[] args, Table callerCtx, Layer lay, bool AlwaysMacro=false)
    87  {
    88  	if(auto f = cast(FunValue)_f)
    89  	{
    90  		Table ctx = new Table(f.definitionContext(), Table.Kind.NotPropagateSet);
    91  		foreach(i,p; f.params())
    92  			if( p.layers.empty )
    93  				if(lay=="@macro")
    94  					ctx.set(, lay, macroEval(args[i], callerCtx, AlwaysMacro));
    95  				else
    96  					ctx.set(, lay, eval(args[i], callerCtx, true, lay));
    97  			else
    98  				foreach(argLay; p.layers)
    99  					if(argLay=="@macro")
   100  						ctx.set(, argLay, macroEval(args[i], callerCtx, AlwaysMacro));
   101  					else
   102  						ctx.set(, argLay, eval(args[i], callerCtx, true, argLay));
   103  		return f.invoke(pos, lay, ctx);
   104  	}
   105  	throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "tried to call non-function");
   106  }
   108  Value lift(in LexPosition pos, Value v, Layer lay, Table callerCtx)
   109  {
   110  	// similar to invoke Function, but with only one argument bound to @v
   111  	Value _f = callerCtx.get(lay, "(system)", pos);
   112  	if(auto f = cast(FunValue)_f)
   113  	{
   114  		Table ctx = new Table(f.definitionContext(), Table.Kind.NotPropagateSet);
   115  		auto ps = f.params();
   116  		if( ps.length != 1 )
   117  			throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "lift function must take exactly one argument at @v layer");
   118  		if( ps[0].layers.length==0 || ps[0].layers.length==1 && ps[0].layers[0]=="@v" )
   119  		{
   120  			ctx.set(ps[0].name, "@v", v);
   121  			return f.invoke(pos, "@v", ctx);
   122  		}
   123  		else
   124  			throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "lift function must take exactly one argument at @v layer");
   125  	}
   126  	throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "tried to call non-function");
   127  }
   129  /// Entry point of this module
   130  /// If splitCtx = true, then inner variable declaration do not overwrite ctx.
   131  /// lay is the layer ID for evaluation (standard value semantics uses "@v").
   133  Value eval(AST e, Table ctx, bool splitCtx, Layer lay)
   134  {
   135  	return e.match(
   136  		(StrLiteral e)
   137  		{
   138  			Value v = new StrValue(;
   139  			if( lay == "@v" )
   140  				return v;
   141  			else
   142  				return lift(e.pos,v,lay,ctx);
   143  		},
   144  		(IntLiteral e)
   145  		{
   146  			Value v = new IntValue(;
   147  			if( lay == "@v" )
   148  				return v;
   149  			else // rise
   150  				return lift(e.pos,v,lay,ctx);
   151  		},
   152  		(VarExpression e)
   153  		{
   154  			if( lay == "@v" )
   155  				return ctx.get(e.var, lay, e.pos);
   156  			try {
   157  				return ctx.get(e.var, lay, e.pos);
   158  			} catch( Throwable ) { // [TODO] more precise...
   159  				return lift(e.pos, ctx.get(e.var, "@v", e.pos), lay, ctx);
   160  			}
   161  		},
   162  		(LayeredExpression e)
   163  		{
   164  			if( e.lay == "@macro" )
   165  				return macroEval(e.expr, ctx, false);
   166  			else
   167  				return eval(e.expr, ctx, true, e.lay);
   168  		},
   169  		(LetExpression e)
   170  		{
   171  			// for letrec, we need this, but should avoid overwriting????
   172  			// ctx.set(e.var, "@v", new UndefinedValue, e.pos);
   173  			if(splitCtx)
   174  				ctx = new Table(ctx, Table.Kind.NotPropagateSet);
   175  			Value v = eval(e.init, ctx, true, lay);
   176  			ctx.set(e.var, (e.layer.length ? e.layer : lay), v, e.pos);
   177  			return eval(e.expr, ctx, false, lay);
   178  		},
   179  		(FuncallExpression e)
   180  		{
   181  			return invokeFunction(e.pos, eval(, ctx, true, lay), e.args, ctx, lay);
   182  		},
   183  		(FunLiteral e)
   184  		{
   185  			Value[Value[]][Layer] memo;
   186  			AST macroMemo = null; // cache
   188  			// funvalue need not be rised
   189  			// no, need to be rised !!  suppose @t(fib)("int")
   190  			return new UserDefinedFunValue(e, ctx);
   191  		},
   192  		delegate Value (AST e)
   193  		{
   194  			throw genex!RuntimeException(e.pos, sprintf!"Unknown Kind of Expression %s"(typeid(e)));
   195  		}
   196  	);
   197  }
   199  // [TODO] Optimization
   200  Value macroEval(AST e, Table ctx, bool AlwaysMacro)
   201  {
   202  	Layer theLayer = "@v";
   204  	Table pos = new Table;
   205  	pos.set("filename", theLayer, new StrValue(e.pos.filename));
   206  	pos.set("lineno",   theLayer, new IntValue(BigInt(e.pos.lineno)));
   207  	pos.set("column",   theLayer, new IntValue(BigInt(e.pos.column)));
   208  	return e.match(
   209  		(StrLiteral e)
   210  		{
   211  			Table t = new Table;
   212  			t.set("pos",  theLayer, pos);
   213  			t.set("is",   theLayer, new StrValue("str"));
   214  			t.set("data", theLayer, new StrValue(;
   215  			return t;
   216  		},
   217  		(IntLiteral e)
   218  		{
   219  			Table t = new Table;
   220  			t.set("pos",  theLayer, pos);
   221  			t.set("is",   theLayer, new StrValue("int"));
   222  			t.set("data", theLayer, new IntValue(;
   223  			return t;
   224  		},
   225  		(VarExpression e)
   226  		{
   227  			try {
   228  				return ctx.get(e.var, "@macro", e.pos);
   229  			} catch( Throwable ) {// [TODO] more precies...
   230  				Table t = new Table;
   231  				t.set("pos",  theLayer, pos);
   232  				t.set("is",   theLayer, new StrValue("var"));
   233  				t.set("name", theLayer, new StrValue(e.var));
   234  				return cast(Value)t;
   235  			}
   236  		},
   237  		(LayeredExpression e)
   238  		{
   239  			if( AlwaysMacro )
   240  			{
   241  				Table t = new Table;
   242  				t.set("pos",  theLayer, pos);
   243  				t.set("is",   theLayer, new StrValue("lay"));
   244  				t.set("layer",   theLayer, new StrValue(e.lay));
   245  				t.set("expr", theLayer, macroEval(e.expr,ctx,AlwaysMacro));
   246  				return cast(Value)t;
   247  			}
   248  			else
   249  			{
   250  				if( e.lay == "@macro" )
   251  					return macroEval(e.expr, ctx, false);
   252  				else
   253  					return eval(e.expr, ctx, true, e.lay);
   254  			}
   255  		},
   256  		(LetExpression e)
   257  		{
   258  			Table t = new Table;
   259  			t.set("pos",  theLayer, pos);
   260  			t.set("is",   theLayer, new StrValue("let"));
   261  			t.set("name", theLayer, new StrValue(e.var));
   262  			t.set("init", theLayer, macroEval(e.init,ctx,AlwaysMacro));
   263  			t.set("expr", theLayer, macroEval(e.expr,ctx,AlwaysMacro));
   264  			return t;
   265  		},
   266  		(FuncallExpression e)
   267  		{
   268  			Value _f = macroEval(,ctx,AlwaysMacro);
   270  			if( auto f = cast(FunValue)_f )
   271  				return invokeFunction(e.pos, f, e.args, ctx, "@macro", AlwaysMacro);
   273  			Table t = new Table;
   274  			t.set("pos",  theLayer, pos);
   275  			t.set("is",   theLayer, new StrValue("app"));
   276  			t.set("fun",  theLayer, _f);
   277  			Table args = new Table;
   278  			foreach_reverse(a; e.args) {
   279  				Table cons = new Table;
   280  				cons.set("car",theLayer,macroEval(a,ctx,AlwaysMacro));
   281  				cons.set("cdr",theLayer,args);
   282  				args = cons;
   283  			}
   284  			t.set("arg", theLayer, args);
   285  			return cast(Value)t;
   286  		},
   287  		(FunLiteral e)
   288  		{
   289  			Table t = new Table;
   290  			t.set("pos",   theLayer, pos);
   291  			t.set("is",    theLayer, new StrValue("fun"));
   292  			t.set("body",  theLayer, macroEval(e.funbody,ctx,AlwaysMacro));
   293  			Table param = new Table;
   294  			foreach_reverse(p; e.params)
   295  			{
   296  				Table cons = new Table;
   297  				Table kv = new Table;
   298  				kv.set("name", theLayer, new StrValue(;
   299  				foreach_reverse(lay; p.layers)
   300  				{
   301  					Table cons2 = new Table;
   302  					cons2.set("car", theLayer, new StrValue(lay));
   303  					cons2.set("cdr", theLayer, kv);
   304  					kv = cons2;
   305  				}
   306  				cons.set("car", theLayer, kv);
   307  				cons.set("cdr", theLayer, param);
   308  				param = cons;
   309  			}
   310  			t.set("param", theLayer, param);
   311  			return t;
   312  		},
   313  		delegate Value (AST e)
   314  		{
   315  			throw genex!RuntimeException(e.pos, sprintf!"Unknown Kind of Expression %s"(typeid(e)));
   316  		}
   317  	);
   318  }
   320  unittest
   321  {
   322  	auto r = assert_nothrow( evalString(`var x = 21; x + x*x;`) );
   323  	assert_eq( r.val, new IntValue(BigInt(21+21*21)) );
   324  	assert_eq( r.ctx.get("x","@v"), new IntValue(BigInt(21)) );
   325  	assert_nothrow( r.ctx.get("x","@v") );
   326  	assert_throw!RuntimeException( r.ctx.get("y","@v") );
   327  }
   328  unittest
   329  {
   330  	auto r = assert_nothrow( evalString(`var x = 21; var x = x + x*x;`) );
   331  	assert_eq( r.val, new IntValue(BigInt(21+21*21)) );
   332  	assert_eq( r.ctx.get("x","@v"), new IntValue(BigInt(21+21*21)) );
   333  	assert_nothrow( r.ctx.get("x","@v") );
   334  	assert_throw!RuntimeException( r.ctx.get("y","@v") );
   335  }
   336  unittest
   337  {
   338  	assert_eq( evalString(`let x=1; let y=(let x=2); x`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(1)) ); 
   339  	assert_eq( evalString(`let x=1; let y=(let x=2;fun(){x}); y()`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(2)) ); 
   340  }
   341  unittest
   342  {
   343  	assert_eq( evalString(`@a x=1; @b x=2; @a(x)`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(1)) );
   344  	assert_eq( evalString(`@a x=1; @b x=2; @b(x)`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(2)) );
   345  	assert_eq( evalString(`let x=1; let _ = (@a x=2;2); x`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(1)) );
   346  	assert_throw!Throwable( evalString(`let x=1; let _ = (@a x=2;2); @a(x)`) );
   347  }
   349  unittest
   350  {
   351  	assert_eq( evalString(`var fac = fun(x){
   352  		if(x)
   353  			{ x*fac(x-1); }
   354  		else
   355  			{ 1; };
   356  	};
   357  	fac(10);`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(10*9*8*5040)));
   358  	assert_eq( evalString(`var fib = fun(x){
   359  		if(x<2)
   360  			{ 1; }
   361  		else
   362  			{ fib(x-1) + fib(x-2); };
   363  	};
   364  	fib(5);`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(8)));
   365  }
   367  unittest
   368  {
   369  	assert_throw!Throwable( evalString(`@@s(x){x}; @s "+"=fun(x,y){x-y};@s(1+2)`) );
   370  	assert_eq( evalString(`@@s(x){x}; @s "+"=fun(x,y){x-y};1+2`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(3)) );
   371  	assert_eq( evalString(`@@s(x){x}; @s "+"=fun(x,y){@v(@s(x)-@s(y))};1+2`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(3)) );
   372  	assert_eq( evalString(`@@s(x){x}; @s "+"=fun(x,y){@v(@s(x)-@s(y))};@s(1+2)`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(-1)) );
   373  }
   375  unittest
   376  {
   377  	assert_eq( evalString(`@@t = fun(x){x+1}; @t(123)`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(124)) );
   378  	// there was a bug that declaration in the first line of function definition
   379  	// cannot be recursive
   380  	assert_nothrow( evalString(`def foo() {
   381    def bar(y) { if(y<1) {0} else {bar(0)} };
   382    bar(1)
   383  }; foo()`) );
   384  }