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     1  /**
     2   * Authors: k.inaba
     3   * License: NYSL 0.9982
     4   *
     5   * Parser for Polemy programming language
     6   */
     7  module polemy.parse;
     8  import polemy._common;
     9  import polemy.failure;
    10  import polemy.lex;
    11  import polemy.ast;
    12  import polemy.layer;
    13  import polemy.fresh;
    15  /// Parse a string and return its AST
    17  AST parseString(S, T...)(S str, T fn_ln_cn)
    18  {
    19  	return parserFromString(str, fn_ln_cn).parse();
    20  }
    22  /// Parse the content of a file and return its AST
    24  AST parseFile(S, T...)(S filename, T ln_cn)
    25  {
    26  	return parserFromFile(filename, ln_cn).parse();
    27  }
    29  // Named Constructors of Parser
    31  private auto parserFromLexer(Lexer)(Lexer lex)
    32  	{ return new Parser!Lexer(lex); }
    34  private auto parserFromString(T...)(T params)
    35  	{ return parserFromLexer(lexerFromString(params)); }
    37  private auto parserFromFile(T...)(T params)
    38  	{ return parserFromLexer(lexerFromFile(params)); }
    40  // Parser
    42  private class Parser(Lexer)
    43  	if( isForwardRange!(Lexer) && is(ElementType!(Lexer) == Token) )
    44  {
    45  	AST parse()
    46  	{
    47  		auto e = Body();
    48  		if( !lex.empty )
    49  			throw genex!ParseException(currentPosition(), "parsing ended but some tokens left");
    50  		return e;
    51  	}
    53  	AST Body()
    54  	{
    55  		/// Body ::= Declaration
    56  		///        | TopLevelExpression
    58  		if( closingBracket() )
    59  			return doNothingExpression();
    61  		auto saved =;
    62  		if( auto e = Declaration() )
    63  			return e;
    64  		lex = saved;
    65  		return TopLevelExpression();
    66  	}
    68  	AST Declaration() // returns null if it is not a declaration
    69  	{
    70  		/// Declaration ::=
    71  		///    ["@" Layer|"let"|"var"|"def"] Var "=" Expression ([";"|"in"] Body?)?
    72  		///  | ["@" Layer|"let"|"var"|"def"] Var "(" Param%"," ")" "{" Body "}" ([";"|"in"] Body?)?
    73  		///  | ["@" "@" Layer "=" Expression ([";"|"in"] Body?)?
    74  		///  | ["@" "@" Layer "(" Param%"," ")" "{" Body "}" ([";"|"in"] Body?)?
    76  		auto pos = currentPosition();
    77  		Layer layer = "";
    78  		bool layerLiftDecl = false;
    80  		if( tryEat("@") )
    81  		{
    82  			layer = "@" ~ eatId("after @", AllowQuoted);
    83  			if( layer == "@@" )
    84  			{
    85  				layer = "@" ~ eatId("after @@", AllowQuoted);
    86  				layerLiftDecl = true;
    87  			}
    88  			else
    89  			{
    90  				if( tryEat("(") )
    91  					return null; // @lay(...) expression, not a declaration
    92  			}
    93  		}
    95  		// [TODO] Refactor
    96  		if( layerLiftDecl )
    97  		{
    98  			string kwd = "@" ~ layer;
    99  			string var = layer;
   101  			auto e = tryEat("(")
   102  				? parseLambdaAfterOpenParen(pos)  // let var ( ...
   103  				: (eat("=", "after "~kwd), E(0)); // let var = ...
   104  			if( moreDeclarationExists() )
   105  				return new Let(pos, var, SystemLayer, e, Body());
   106  			else
   107  				return new Let(pos, var, SystemLayer, e,
   108  					new Lay(pos, SystemLayer, new Var(pos, var))
   109  				);
   110  		}
   111  		else
   112  		{
   113  			string kwd = layer;
   114  			if( layer.empty && !tryEat(kwd="let") && !tryEat(kwd="var") && !tryEat(kwd="def") )
   115  				return null; // none of {@lay, let, var, def} occurred, it's not a declaration
   117  			auto varpos = currentPosition();
   118  			string var = eatId("after "~kwd, AllowQuoted); // name of the declared variable
   120  			auto e = tryEat("(")
   121  				? parseLambdaAfterOpenParen(varpos)  // let var ( ...
   122  				: (eat("=", "after "~kwd), E(0));    // let var = ...
   123  			if( moreDeclarationExists() )
   124  				return new Let(pos, var, layer, e, Body());
   125  			else
   126  				return new Let(pos, var, layer, e, new Var(varpos, var));
   127  		}
   128  	}
   130  	AST TopLevelExpression()
   131  	{
   132  		/// TopLevelExpression ::= Expression ([";"|"in"] Body?)?
   134  		auto pos = currentPosition();
   135  		auto e = E(0);
   136  		if( moreDeclarationExists() )
   137  			return new Let(pos, "_", "", e, Body());
   138  		else
   139  			return e;
   140  	}
   142  	private bool moreDeclarationExists()
   143  	{
   144  		return (tryEat(";") || tryEat("in")) && !closingBracket();
   145  	}
   147  	private bool closingBracket()
   148  	{
   149  		return lex.empty || !lex.front.quoted && ["}",")","]",","].canFind(lex.front.str);
   150  	}
   152  	// [TODO] make this customizable from program
   153  	private static string[][] operator_perferences = [
   154  		["||"],
   155  		["&&"],
   156  		["!="],
   157  		["=="],
   158  		["<","<=",">",">="],
   159  		["|"],
   160  		["^"],
   161  		["&"],
   162  		["<<", ">>", "<<<", ">>>"],
   163  		["+","-"],
   164  		["~"],
   165  		["*","/","%"],
   166  		["^^","**"],
   167  		[".",".?"]
   168  	];
   170  	AST E(size_t level)
   171  	{
   172  		/// Expression ::= (Binary left-associative operators over) Funcall
   174  		AST rec(AST lhs)
   175  		{
   176  			if( closingBracket() )
   177  				return lhs;
   179  			auto pos = currentPosition();
   180  			foreach(op; operator_perferences[level])
   181  				if( tryEat(op) )
   182  					if( op[0]=='.' )
   183  						return rec(
   184  							new App(lhs.pos, new Var(pos, op), lhs, parseId()));
   185  					else
   186  						return rec(
   187  							new App(lhs.pos, new Var(pos, op), lhs, E(level+1)));
   188  			return lhs;
   189  		}
   191  		if( operator_perferences.length <= level )
   192  			return Funcall();
   193  		else
   194  			return rec(E(level+1));
   195  	}
   197  	AST Funcall()
   198  	{
   199  		/// Funcall ::= BaseExpression ["(" Expression%"," ")" | "{" ENTRIES "}"]*
   201  		auto e = BaseExpression();
   202  		for(;;)
   203  			if( tryEat("(") )
   204  			{
   205  				auto pos = currentPosition();
   206  				AST[] args;
   207  				while( !tryEat(")") ) {
   208  					if( lex.empty )
   209  						throw genex!UnexpectedEOF(pos, "closing ')' for arguments not found");
   210  					args ~= E(0);
   211  					if( !tryEat(",") ) {
   212  						eat(")", "after function parameters");
   213  						break;
   214  					}
   215  				}
   216  				e = new App(e.pos, e, args);
   217  			}
   218  			else if( tryEat("{") )
   219  			{
   220  				e = parseTableSetAfterBrace(e);
   221  			}
   222  			else
   223  				break;
   224  		return e;
   225  	}
   227  	AST parseTableSetAfterBrace(AST e)
   228  	{
   229  		/// TableSet ::= "{" (ID ":" E) % "," "}"
   231  		if( tryEat("}") )
   232  			return e;
   233  		auto pos = currentPosition();
   234  		for(;;)
   235  		{
   236  			string key = eatId("for table key", AllowQuoted);
   237  			eat(":", "after table key");
   238  			AST val = E(0);
   239  			e = new App(pos, new Var(pos,".="),
   240  					e, new Str(pos,key), val);
   241  			if( !tryEat(",") )
   242  			{
   243  				eat("}", "for the end of table literal");
   244  				break;
   245  			}
   246  		}
   247  		return e;
   248  	}
   250  	AST BaseExpression()
   251  	{
   252  		if( lex.empty )
   253  			throw genex!UnexpectedEOF(currentPosition(), "Reached EOF when tried to parse an expression");
   255  		auto pos = lex.front.pos;
   256  		if( lex.front.quoted )
   257  		{
   258  			scope(exit) lex.popFront;
   259  			return new Str(pos, lex.front.str);
   260  		}
   261  		if( isNumber(lex.front.str) )
   262  		{
   263  			scope(exit) lex.popFront;
   264  			return new Int(pos, BigInt(cast(string)lex.front.str));
   265  		}
   266  		if( tryEat("@") )
   267  		{
   268  			auto lay = "@"~eatId("for layer ID");
   269  			eat("(", "for layered execution");
   270  			auto e = Body();
   271  			eat(")", "after "~lay~"(...");
   272  			return new Lay(pos, lay, e);
   273  		}
   274  		if( tryEat("(") )
   275  		{
   276  			auto e = Body();
   277  			eat(")", "after parenthesized expression");
   278  			return e;
   279  		}
   280  		if( tryEat("{") )
   281  		{
   282  			AST e = new App(pos, new Var(pos,"{}"));
   283  			return parseTableSetAfterBrace(e);
   284  		}
   285  		if( tryEat("if") )
   286  		{
   287  			eat("(", "after if");
   288  			auto cond = E(0);
   289  			eat(")", "after if condition");
   290  			auto thenPos = lex.front.pos;
   291  			eat("{", "after if condition");
   292  			auto th = Body();
   293  			eat("}", "after if-then body");
   294  			auto el = doNothingExpression();
   295  			auto elsePos = (lex.empty ? LexPosition.dummy : lex.front.pos);
   296  			if( tryEat("else") ) {
   297  				eat("{", "after else");
   298  				el = Body();
   299  				eat("}", "after else body");
   300  			}
   301  			return new App(pos, 
   302  				new Var(pos, "if"),
   303  				cond,
   304  				new Fun(thenPos, [], th),
   305  				new Fun(elsePos, [], el)
   306  			);
   307  		}
   308  		if( tryEat("case") )
   309  		{
   310  			return parsePatternMatch(pos);
   311  		}
   312  		if( tryEat("fun") || tryEat("\u03BB") ) // lambda!!
   313  		{
   314  			eat("(", "after fun");
   315  			return parseLambdaAfterOpenParen(pos);
   316  		}
   317  		scope(exit) lex.popFront;
   318  		return new Var(pos, lex.front.str);
   319  	}
   321  	AST parsePatternMatch(LexPosition pos)
   322  	{
   323  		//   case "(" pmExpr ")" CASES
   324  		//==>
   325  		//   let pmVar = pmExpr in (... let pmTryFirst = ... in pmTryFirst())
   326  		eat("(", "after case");
   327  		AST   pmExpr = E(0);
   328  		eat(")", "after case");
   329  		string pmVar = freshVarName();
   330  		string pmTryFirst = freshVarName();
   331  		AST   pmBody = parsePatternMatchCases(pmVar, pmTryFirst,
   332  			new App(pos, new Var(pos, pmTryFirst)));
   333  		return new Let(pos, pmVar, [], pmExpr, pmBody);
   334  	}
   336  	AST parsePatternMatchCases(string pmVar, string tryThisBranchVar, AST thenDoThis)
   337  	{
   338  		//    when( pat ) { cBody }
   339  		//==>
   340  		//    ... let failBranchVar = ... in
   341  		//    let tryThisBranchVar = fun(){ if(test){cBody}else{failBranchVar()} } in thenDoThis
   342  		if( tryEat("when") )
   343  		{
   344  			auto pos = currentPosition();
   345  			string failBranchVar = freshVarName();
   347  			eat("(", "after when");
   348  			auto pr = parsePattern();
   349  			eat(")", "after when");
   350  			eat("{", "after pattern");
   351  			AST cBody = Body();
   352  			AST judgement = new App(pos, new Var(pos, "if"),
   353  				ppTest(pmVar, pr), new Fun(pos,[],ppBind(pmVar, pr, cBody)),
   354  				new Var(pos, failBranchVar));
   355  			eat("}", "after pattern clause");
   356  			return parsePatternMatchCases(pmVar, failBranchVar, 
   357  				new Let(pos, tryThisBranchVar, [],
   358  					new Fun(pos,[],judgement), thenDoThis)
   359  			);
   360  		}
   361  		else
   362  		{
   363  			auto pos = currentPosition();
   364  			AST doNothing = new Fun(pos,[],
   365  				new Str(pos, sprintf!"(pattern match failure:%s)"(pos)));
   366  			return new Let(currentPosition(), tryThisBranchVar, [], doNothing, thenDoThis);
   367  		}
   368  	}
   370  // hageshiku tenuki
   371  	abstract class SinglePattern
   372  	{
   373  		string[] path;
   374  		mixin SimpleClass;
   375  		private AST access(string pmVar, string[] path) {
   376  			auto pos = currentPosition();
   377  			AST e = new Var(pos, pmVar);
   378  			foreach(p; path)
   379  				e = new App(pos, new Var(pos, "."), e, new Str(pos, p));
   380  			return e;
   381  		}
   382  		private AST has(AST e, string k) {
   383  			auto pos = currentPosition();
   384  			return opAndAnd(
   385  				new App(pos, new Var(pos, "_istable"), e),
   386  				new App(pos, new Var(pos, ".?"), e, new Str(pos, k))
   387  			);
   388  		}
   389  		private AST opAndAnd(AST a, AST b) {
   390  			if( a is null ) return b;
   391  			if( b is null ) return a;
   392  			auto pos = currentPosition();
   393  			return new App(pos,
   394  				new Var(pos, "if"),
   395  				a,
   396  				new Fun(pos, [], b),
   397  				new Fun(pos, [], new Int(pos, 0))
   398  			);
   399  		}
   400  		AST ppTest(string pmVar) {
   401  			AST c = null;
   402  			for(int i=0; i<path.length; ++i)
   403  				c = opAndAnd(c, has(access(pmVar,path[0..i]), path[i]));
   404  			return c;
   405  		}
   406  		AST ppBind(string pmVar, AST thenDoThis) { return thenDoThis; }
   407  	}
   408  	class WildPattern : SinglePattern
   409  	{
   410  		mixin SimpleClass;
   411  	}
   412  	class VarPattern : SinglePattern
   413  	{
   414  		string name;
   415  		mixin SimpleClass;
   416  		AST ppBind(string pmVar, AST thenDoThis) {
   417  			auto pos = currentPosition();
   418  			return new Let(pos, name, [], access(pmVar,path), thenDoThis);
   419  		}
   420  	}
   421  	class ConstantPattern : SinglePattern
   422  	{
   423  		AST e;
   424  		mixin SimpleClass;
   425  		AST ppTest(string pmVar) {
   426  			auto pos = currentPosition();
   427  			return opAndAnd( super.ppTest(pmVar),
   428  				new App(pos, new Var(pos,"=="), access(pmVar,path), e)
   429  			);
   430  		}
   431  	}
   433  	SinglePattern[] parsePattern(string[] path = null)
   434  	{
   435  		SinglePattern[] result;
   436  		if( tryEat("{") )
   437  		{
   438  			if( !tryEat("}") ) {
   439  				do {
   440  					string key = eatId("in table pattern");
   441  					eat(":", "after field-id in table pattern");
   442  					result ~= parsePattern(path ~ key);
   443  				} while( tryEat(",") );
   444  				eat("}", "at the end of table pattern");
   445  			}
   446  		}
   447  		else
   448  		{
   449  			AST e = E(0);
   450  			if(auto ev = cast(Var)e)
   451  				if( == "_")
   452  					result ~= new WildPattern(path);
   453  				else
   454  					result ~= new VarPattern(path,;
   455  			else
   456  				result ~= new ConstantPattern(path, e);
   457  		}
   458  		return result;
   459  	}
   461  	AST ppTest(string pmVar, SinglePattern[] pats)
   462  	{
   463  		auto pos = currentPosition();
   464  		AST cond = null;
   465  		foreach(p; pats) {
   466  			AST c2 = p.ppTest(pmVar);
   467  			if( c2 !is null )
   468  				cond = cond is null ? c2
   469  				    : new App(pos, new Var(pos,"&&"), cond, c2);
   470  		}
   471  		return cond is null ? new Int(currentPosition(), 1) : cond;
   472  	}
   474  	AST ppBind(string pmVar, SinglePattern[] pats, AST thenDoThis)
   475  	{
   476  		foreach(p; pats)
   477  			thenDoThis = p.ppBind(pmVar, thenDoThis);
   478  		return thenDoThis;
   479  	}
   481  	AST parseId()
   482  	{
   483  		scope(exit) lex.popFront;
   484  		return new Str(currentPosition(), lex.front.str);
   485  	}
   487  	AST parseLambdaAfterOpenParen(immutable LexPosition pos)
   488  	{
   489  		Parameter[] params;
   490  		while( !tryEat(")") )
   491  		{
   492  			params ~= parseParam();
   493  			if( !tryEat(",") ) {
   494  				eat(")", "after function parameters");
   495  				break;
   496  			}
   497  		}
   498  		eat("{", "after function parameters");
   499  		auto funbody = Body();
   500  		eat("}", "after function body");
   501  		return new Fun(pos, params, funbody);
   502  	}
   504  	Parameter parseParam()
   505  	{
   506  		string var;
   507  		string[] lay;
   508  		while( !closingBracket() && !lex.empty && lex.front.str!="," )
   509  		{
   510  			auto pos = currentPosition();
   511  			string p = eatId("for function parameter", AllowQuoted);
   512  			if( p == "@" )
   513  				lay ~= "@" ~ eatId("after @", AllowQuoted);
   514  			else if( var.empty )
   515  				var = p;
   516  			else
   517  				throw genex!ParseException(pos, "one parameter has two names");
   518  		}
   519  		return new Parameter(var, lay);
   520  	}
   522  private:
   523  	Lexer lex;
   524  	this(Lexer lex) { this.lex = lex; }
   526  	bool isNumber(string s)
   527  	{
   528  		return find!(`a<'0' || '9'<a`)(s).empty;
   529  	}
   531  	void eat(string kwd, lazy string msg)
   532  	{
   533  		if( !tryEat(kwd) )
   534  			if( lex.empty )
   535  				throw genex!UnexpectedEOF(
   536  					currentPosition(), sprintf!"%s is expected %s but not found"(kwd,msg));
   537  			else
   538  				throw genex!ParseException(
   539  					currentPosition(), sprintf!"%s is expected for %s but not found"(kwd,msg));
   540  	}
   542  	bool tryEat(string kwd)
   543  	{
   544  		if( lex.empty || lex.front.quoted || lex.front.str!=kwd )
   545  			return false;
   546  		lex.popFront;
   547  		return true;
   548  	}
   550  	enum {AllowQuoted=true, DisallowQuoted=false};
   551  	string eatId(lazy string msg, bool aq=DisallowQuoted)
   552  	{
   553  		if( lex.empty )
   554  			throw genex!UnexpectedEOF(currentPosition(), "identifier is expected but not found "~msg);
   555  		if( !aq && lex.front.quoted )
   556  			throw genex!ParseException(currentPosition(), "identifier is expected but not found "~msg);
   557  		scope(exit) lex.popFront;
   558  		return lex.front.str;
   559  	}
   561  	AST doNothingExpression()
   562  	{
   563  		return new Str(currentPosition(), "(empty function body)");
   564  	}
   566  	immutable(LexPosition) currentPosition()
   567  	{
   568  		return lex.empty ? null : lex.front.pos;
   569  	}
   570  }
   572  unittest
   573  {
   574  	mixin EasyAST;
   576  	assert_eq(parseString(`123`), intl(123));
   577  	assert_eq(parseString(`"foo"`), strl("foo"));
   578  	assert_eq(parseString(`fun(){1}`), fun([],intl(1)));
   579  	assert_eq(parseString(`fun(x){1}`), fun(["x"],intl(1)));
   580  	assert_eq(parseString("\u03BB(){1}"), fun([],intl(1)));
   581  	assert_eq(parseString("\u03BB(x){1}"), fun(["x"],intl(1)));
   582  	assert_eq(parseString(`1;2`), let("_","",intl(1),intl(2)));
   583  	assert_eq(parseString(`1;2;`), let("_","",intl(1),intl(2)));
   584  	assert_eq(parseString(`let x=1 in 2`), let("x","",intl(1),intl(2)));
   585  	assert_eq(parseString(`var x=1;2;`), let("x","",intl(1),intl(2)));
   586  	assert_eq(parseString(`def x=1`), let("x","",intl(1),var("x")));
   587  	assert_eq(parseString(`@val x=1;`), let("x","@val",intl(1),var("x")));
   588  	assert_eq(parseString(`@typ x="#int";`), let("x","@typ",strl("#int"),var("x")));
   589  	assert_eq(parseString(`f(1,2)`), call(var("f"),intl(1),intl(2)));
   590  	assert_eq(parseString(`if(1){2}`), call(var("if"),intl(1),fun([],intl(2)),fun([],strl("(empty function body)"))));
   591  	assert_eq(parseString(`if(1){2}else{3}`), call(var("if"),intl(1),fun([],intl(2)),fun([],intl(3))));
   592  	assert_eq(parseString(`if(1){}else{3}()()`),
   593  		call(call(call(var("if"),intl(1),fun([],strl("(empty function body)")),fun([],intl(3))))));
   594  	assert_eq(parseString(`1+2*3`), call(var("+"),intl(1),call(var("*"),intl(2),intl(3))));
   595  	assert_eq(parseString(`(1+2)*3`), call(var("*"),call(var("+"),intl(1),intl(2)),intl(3)));
   596  	assert_eq(parseString(`1*(2+3)`), call(var("*"),intl(1),call(var("+"),intl(2),intl(3))));
   597  	assert_eq(parseString(`1*2+3`), call(var("+"),call(var("*"),intl(1),intl(2)),intl(3)));
   598  	assert_eq(parseString(`@x(1)`), lay("@x", intl(1)));
   599  	assert_eq(parseString(`fun(x @v @t, y, z @t){}`),
   600  		funp([param("x",["@v","@t"]), param("y",[]), param("z",["@t"])], strl("(empty function body)")));
   602  	assert_eq(parseString(`
   603  		let x = 100; #comment
   604  		let y = 200; #comment!!!!!
   605  			x+y
   606  	`),
   607  		let("x", "", intl(100), let("y", "", intl(200), call(var("+"), var("x"), var("y"))))
   608  	);
   610  	assert_eq(parseString(`
   611  		var fac = fun(x){ if(x <= 1) {1} else {x*fac(x-1)} };
   612  		fac(10)
   613  	`),
   614  		let("fac", "", fun(["x"],
   615  			call(var("if"),
   616  				call(var("<="), var("x"), intl(1)),
   617  				fun([], intl(1)),
   618  				fun([], call(var("*"), var("x"), call(var("fac"),call(var("-"),var("x"),intl(1)))))
   619  			)),
   620  			call(var("fac"),intl(10))
   621  		)
   622  	);
   623  }
   625  unittest
   626  {
   627  	assert_throw!UnexpectedEOF(parseString(`1+`));
   628  	assert_throw!ParseException(parseString(`1+2}`));
   629  	assert_throw!UnexpectedEOF(parseString(`let "x"`));
   630  	assert_throw!UnexpectedEOF(parseString(`var`));
   631  	assert_throw!ParseException(parseString(`@val x ==`));
   632  	assert_throw!ParseException(parseString(`if(){1}`));
   633  	assert_throw!UnexpectedEOF(parseString(`f(`));
   634  }
   636  unittest
   637  {
   638  	mixin EasyAST;
   639  	assert_eq(parseString(`def foo(x) { x+1 }; foo`),
   640  		let("foo", "",
   641  			fun(["x"], call(var("+"), var("x"), intl(1))),
   642  			var("foo"))
   643  	);
   645  	assert_eq(parseString(`@@type ( x ) { x }`),
   646  		let("@type", SystemLayer, fun(["x"], var("x")), lay(SystemLayer, var("@type"))) );
   648  	assert_eq(parseString(`{}`), call(var("{}")));
   649  	assert_eq(parseString(`{foo:1,"bar":2}`),
   650  		call(var(".="), call(var(".="), call(var("{}")), strl("foo"), intl(1)), strl("bar"), intl(2)));
   651  	assert_eq(parseString(`{}.foo`), call(var("."),call(var("{}")),strl("foo")));
   652  	assert_eq(parseString(`{}.?foo`), call(var(".?"),call(var("{}")),strl("foo")));
   653  	assert_eq(parseString(`x{y:1}`), call(var(".="),var("x"),strl("y"),intl(1)));
   654  }
   656  unittest
   657  {
   658  	assert_nothrow(parseString(`
   659  		case( 1 )
   660  			when(x){1}
   661  	`));
   662  	assert_nothrow(parseString(`
   663  		case( 1 )
   664  			when({aaaa:_}){1}
   665  	`));
   666  	assert_nothrow(parseString(`
   667  		case( 1 )
   668  			when({aaaa:@value(x)}){1}
   669  			when({aaaa:{bbb:_}, ccc:123}){1}
   670  	`));
   671  }