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Artifact 6911dbe2567441865774ec99b4c01d1958b3b51c

     2  /**
     3   * Authors: k.inaba
     4   * License: NYSL 0.9982
     5   *
     6   * Runtime library for Polemy programming language.
     7   */
     8  module polemy.runtime;
     9  import polemy._common;
    10  import polemy.layer;
    11  import polemy.failure;
    12  import polemy.fresh;
    13  import polemy.value;
    14  import polemy.eval;
    15  import std.stdio;
    16  import std.random;
    18  /// enroll the native implementations of primitive functions
    20  void enrollRuntimeLibrary( Evaluator e )
    21  {
    22  	// arithmetic operations
    23  	e.addPrimitive("+",  ValueLayer,
    24  		(IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue( +;} );
    25  	e.addPrimitive("-",  ValueLayer,
    26  		(IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue( -;} );
    27  	e.addPrimitive("*",  ValueLayer,
    28  		(IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue( *;} );
    29  	e.addPrimitive("/",  ValueLayer,
    30  		(IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){
    31  			if( == 0 )
    32  				throw genex!RuntimeException("division by 0");
    33  			return new IntValue( /;
    34  		});
    35  	e.addPrimitive("%",  ValueLayer,
    36  		(IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue( %;} );
    37  	e.addPrimitive("||", ValueLayer,
    38  		(IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue(!=0 ||!=0);} );
    39  	e.addPrimitive("&&", ValueLayer,
    40  		(IntValue lhs, IntValue rhs){return new IntValue(!=0 &&!=0);} );
    41  	// string operation(s)
    42  	e.addPrimitive("~",  ValueLayer,
    43  		(Value lhs, Value rhs){return new StrValue(lhs.toString ~ rhs.toString);} );
    44  	// comparison
    45  	e.addPrimitive("<",  ValueLayer, (Value lhs, Value rhs){return new IntValue(lhs < rhs);} );
    46  	e.addPrimitive(">",  ValueLayer, (Value lhs, Value rhs){return new IntValue(lhs > rhs);} );
    47  	e.addPrimitive("<=", ValueLayer, (Value lhs, Value rhs){return new IntValue(lhs <= rhs);} );
    48  	e.addPrimitive(">=", ValueLayer, (Value lhs, Value rhs){return new IntValue(lhs >= rhs);} );
    49  	e.addPrimitive("==", ValueLayer, (Value lhs, Value rhs){return new IntValue(lhs == rhs);} );
    50  	e.addPrimitive("!=", ValueLayer, (Value lhs, Value rhs){return new IntValue(lhs != rhs);} );
    51  	// control flow
    52  	e.addPrimitive("if", ValueLayer, (IntValue x, FunValue ft, FunValue fe){
    53  		auto toRun = ( ? fe : ft);
    54  		return toRun.invoke(ValueLayer, toRun.definitionContext(), null);
    55  	});
    56  	// type test
    57  	e.addPrimitive("_isint", ValueLayer,
    58  		(Value v){return new IntValue(cast(IntValue)v !is null);} );
    59  	e.addPrimitive("_isstr", ValueLayer,
    60  		(Value v){return new IntValue(cast(StrValue)v !is null);} );
    61  	e.addPrimitive("_isfun", ValueLayer,
    62  		(Value v){return new IntValue(cast(FunValue)v !is null);} );
    63  	e.addPrimitive("_isundefined", ValueLayer,
    64  		(Value v){return new IntValue(cast(UndefinedValue)v !is null);} );
    65  	e.addPrimitive("_istable", ValueLayer,
    66  		(Value v){return new IntValue(cast(Table)v !is null);} );
    67  	// table
    68  	e.addPrimitive(".", ValueLayer, (Table t, StrValue s){
    69  		if( t.has(, ValueLayer) )
    70  			return t.get(, ValueLayer);
    71  		throw genex!RuntimeException(text("table do not have the field ",s));
    72  	});
    73  	e.addPrimitive(".?", ValueLayer, (Table t, StrValue s){
    74  		return new IntValue(t.has(, ValueLayer));
    75  	});
    76  	e.addPrimitive(".=", ValueLayer, (Table t, StrValue s, Value v){
    77  		auto t2 = new Table(t, Table.Kind.NotPropagateSet);
    78  		t2.set(, ValueLayer, v);
    79  		return t2;
    80  	});
    81  	e.addPrimitive("{}", ValueLayer, (){
    82  		return new Table;
    83  	});
    84  	// IO and others
    85  	e.addPrimitive("print", ValueLayer, (Value a){ writeln(a); return new IntValue(0); });
    86  	e.addPrimitive("gensym", ValueLayer, (){ return new StrValue(freshVarName()); });
    87  	auto rand = Mt19937(unpredictableSeed);
    88  	e.addPrimitive("rand", ValueLayer, (IntValue n){
    89  		return new IntValue( uniform(0,cast(int),rand) );
    90  	});
    91  }