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Artifact 97a442948c980634d2fe1d36ebeb9dfc9db09245

     1  /**
     2   * Authors: k.inaba
     3   * License: NYSL 0.9982 (
     4   *
     5   * Entry point for Polemy interpreter.
     6   */
     7  module main;
     8  import polemy.repl;
     9  import std.stdio;
    10  import std.algorithm;
    11  import std.array;
    13  /// Advance args[] to point the argument list fed to the script.
    14  /// Returns the name of the source file to run, or returns "" if
    15  /// no filename was given. Also, returns to libs[] the list of
    16  /// library source to load.
    17  /// TODO: use std.getopt
    19  string parseArgv(ref string[] args, out string[] libs)
    20  {
    21  	args.popFront();
    23  	while( !args.empty && args.front=="-l" ) {
    24  		args.popFront();
    25  		if( !args.empty ) {
    26  			libs ~= args.front();
    27  			args.popFront();
    28  		}
    29  	}
    31  	if( args.empty )
    32  		return "";
    33  	else {
    34  		scope(exit) args.popFront;
    35  		return args.front;
    36  	}
    37  }
    39  /// Entry point.
    41  void main( string[] args )
    42  {
    43  	string[] libs;
    44  	string   src = parseArgv(args, libs);
    46  	auto r = new REPL(args);
    47  	if( src.empty )
    48  		r.greet();
    49  	foreach(lb; libs)
    50  		r.runFile(lb);
    51  	if( src.empty )
    52  		r.replLoop();
    53  	else
    54  		r.runFile(src);
    55  }