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Artifact ab3a0c217b77981b843dcc6a02ceb86d249d7ca8

     1  /**
     2   * Authors: k.inaba
     3   * License: NYSL 0.9982
     4   *
     5   * Evaluator for Polemy programming language.
     6   */
     7  module polemy.eval;
     8  import polemy._common;
     9  import polemy.lex : LexPosition;
    10  import polemy.ast;
    11  import polemy.parse;
    12  import polemy.value;
    13  import std.typecons;
    14  import std.stdio;
    16  ///
    17  Table createGlobalContext()
    18  {
    19  	auto ctx = new Table;
    20  	// [TODO] autogenerate these typechecks
    21  	ctx.set("+", "@v", new FunValue(delegate Value(immutable LexPosition pos, Layer lay, Value[] args){
    22  		if( args.length != 2 )
    23  			throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "+ takes two arguments!!");
    24  		if( auto x = cast(IntValue)args[0] )
    25  			if( auto y = cast(IntValue)args[1] )
    26  				return new IntValue(;
    27  		throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "cannot add non-integers");
    28  	}));
    29  	ctx.set("-", "@v", new FunValue(delegate Value(immutable LexPosition pos, Layer lay, Value[] args){
    30  		if( args.length != 2 )
    31  			throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "- takes two arguments!!");
    32  		if( auto x = cast(IntValue)args[0] )
    33  			if( auto y = cast(IntValue)args[1] )
    34  				return new IntValue(;
    35  		throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "cannot subtract non-integers");
    36  	}));
    37  	ctx.set("*", "@v", new FunValue(delegate Value(immutable LexPosition pos, Layer lay, Value[] args){
    38  		if( args.length != 2 )
    39  			throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "* takes two arguments!!");
    40  		if( auto x = cast(IntValue)args[0] )
    41  			if( auto y = cast(IntValue)args[1] )
    42  				return new IntValue(*;
    43  		throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "cannot multiply non-integers");
    44  	}));
    45  	ctx.set("/", "@v", new FunValue(delegate Value(immutable LexPosition pos, Layer lay, Value[] args){
    46  		if( args.length != 2 )
    47  			throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "/ takes two arguments!!");
    48  		if( auto x = cast(IntValue)args[0] )
    49  			if( auto y = cast(IntValue)args[1] )
    50  				return new IntValue(;
    51  		throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "cannot divide non-integers");
    52  	}));
    53  	ctx.set("<", "@v", new FunValue(delegate Value(immutable LexPosition pos, Layer lay, Value[] args){
    54  		if( args.length != 2 )
    55  			throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "< takes two arguments!!");
    56  		if( auto x = cast(IntValue)args[0] )
    57  			if( auto y = cast(IntValue)args[1] )
    58  				return new IntValue(BigInt(to!int( <;
    59  		throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "cannot compare non-integers");
    60  	}));
    61  	ctx.set(">", "@v", new FunValue(delegate Value(immutable LexPosition pos, Layer lay, Value[] args){
    62  		if( args.length != 2 )
    63  			throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "> takes two arguments!!");
    64  		if( auto x = cast(IntValue)args[0] )
    65  			if( auto y = cast(IntValue)args[1] )
    66  				return new IntValue(BigInt(to!int(>;
    67  		throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "cannot compare non-integers");
    68  	}));
    69  	ctx.set("print", "@v", new FunValue(delegate Value(immutable LexPosition pos, Layer lay, Value[] args){
    70  		foreach(a; args)
    71  			write(a);
    72  		writeln("");
    73  		return new IntValue(BigInt(178));
    74  	}));
    75  	ctx.set("if", "@v", new FunValue(delegate Value(immutable LexPosition pos, Layer lay, Value[] args){
    76  		if( args.length != 3 )
    77  			throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "if takes three arguments!!");
    78  		if( auto x = cast(IntValue)args[0] )
    79  		if( auto ft = cast(FunValue)args[1] )
    80  		if( auto fe = cast(FunValue)args[2] )
    81  			return ( == 0 ? fe : ft).call(pos,lay,[]);
    82  		throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, "type mismatch in if");
    83  	}));
    84  	return ctx;
    85  }
    87  /// Entry point of this module
    89  Tuple!(Value,"val",Table,"ctx") evalString(S,T...)(S str, T fn_ln_cn)
    90  {
    91  	return eval( polemy.parse.parseString(str, fn_ln_cn) );
    92  }
    94  /// Entry point of this module
    96  Tuple!(Value,"val",Table,"ctx") evalFile(S, T...)(S filename, T ln_cn)
    97  {
    98  	return eval( polemy.parse.parseFile(filename, ln_cn) );
    99  }
   101  /// Entry point of this module
   103  Tuple!(Value,"val",Table,"ctx") eval(AST e)
   104  {
   105  	Table ctx = createGlobalContext();
   106  	return typeof(return)(eval(e, ctx, false, "@v"), ctx);
   107  }
   109  /// Entry point of this module
   110  /// If splitCtx = true, then inner variable declaration do not overwrite ctx.
   111  /// lay is the layer ID for evaluation (standard value semantics uses "@v").
   113  Value eval(AST _e, Table ctx, bool splitCtx, Layer lay)
   114  {
   115  	if( auto e = cast(StrLiteral)_e )
   116  	{
   117  		return new StrValue(;
   118  	}
   119  	else
   120  	if( auto e = cast(IntLiteral)_e )
   121  	{
   122  		return new IntValue(;
   123  	}
   124  	else
   125  	if( auto e = cast(VarExpression)_e )
   126  	{
   127  		return ctx.get(e.var, lay, e.pos);
   128  	}
   129  	else
   130  	if( auto e = cast(LayeredExpression)_e )
   131  	{
   132  		return eval(e.expr, ctx, false, e.lay);
   133  	}
   134  	else
   135  	if( auto e = cast(LetExpression)_e )
   136  	{
   137  		// for letrec, we need this, but should avoid overwriting????
   138  		// ctx.set(e.var, "@v", new UndefinedValue, e.pos);
   139  		Value v = eval(e.init, ctx, true, lay);
   140  		if(splitCtx)
   141  			ctx = new Table(ctx, Table.Kind.NotPropagateSet);
   142  		ctx.set(e.var, (e.layer.length ? e.layer : lay), v, e.pos);
   143  		return eval(e.expr, ctx, false, lay);
   144  	}
   145  	else
   146  	if( auto e = cast(FuncallExpression)_e )
   147  	{
   148  		Value _f = eval(, ctx, true, lay);
   149  		if( auto f = cast(FunValue)_f ) {
   150  			Value[] args;
   151  			foreach(a; e.args)
   152  				args ~= eval(a, ctx, true, lay);
   153  			return, lay, args);
   154  		} else
   155  			throw genex!RuntimeException(e.pos, "Non-funcion is applied");
   156  	}
   157  	else
   158  	if( auto e = cast(FunLiteral)_e )
   159  	{
   160  		return new FunValue(delegate Value(immutable LexPosition pos, string lay, Value[] args){
   161  			if( e.params.length != args.length )
   162  				throw genex!RuntimeException(e.pos, sprintf!"Argument Number Mismatch (%d required but %d given)"
   163  					(e.params.length, args.length));
   164  			Table ctxNeo = new Table(ctx, Table.Kind.NotPropagateSet);
   165  			foreach(i,p; e.params)
   166  				ctxNeo.set(p, lay, args[i]);
   167  			return eval(e.funbody, ctxNeo, true, lay);
   168  		});
   169  	}
   170  	throw genex!RuntimeException(_e.pos, sprintf!"Unknown Kind of Expression %s"(typeid(_e)));
   171  }
   173  unittest
   174  {
   175  	auto r = assert_nothrow( evalString(`var x = 21; x + x*x;`) );
   176  	assert_eq( r.val, new IntValue(BigInt(21+21*21)) );
   177  	assert_eq( r.ctx.get("x","@v"), new IntValue(BigInt(21)) );
   178  	assert_nothrow( r.ctx.get("x","@v") );
   179  	assert_throw!RuntimeException( r.ctx.get("y","@v") );
   180  }
   181  unittest
   182  {
   183  	auto r = assert_nothrow( evalString(`var x = 21; var x = x + x*x;`) );
   184  	assert_eq( r.val, new IntValue(BigInt(21+21*21)) );
   185  	assert_eq( r.ctx.get("x","@v"), new IntValue(BigInt(21+21*21)) );
   186  	assert_nothrow( r.ctx.get("x","@v") );
   187  	assert_throw!RuntimeException( r.ctx.get("y","@v") );
   188  }
   189  unittest
   190  {
   191  	assert_eq( evalString(`let x=1; let y=(let x=2); x`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(1)) ); 
   192  	assert_eq( evalString(`let x=1; let y=(let x=2;fun(){x}); y()`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(2)) ); 
   193  }
   194  unittest
   195  {
   196  	assert_eq( evalString(`@a x=1; @b x=2; @a(x)`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(1)) );
   197  	assert_eq( evalString(`@a x=1; @b x=2; @b(x)`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(2)) );
   198  	assert_eq( evalString(`let x=1; let _ = (@a x=2;2); x`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(1)) );
   199  	assert_throw!Error( evalString(`let x=1; let _ = (@a x=2;2); @a(x)`) );
   200  }
   202  unittest
   203  {
   204  	assert_eq( evalString(`var fac = fun(x){
   205  		if(x)
   206  			{ x*fac(x-1); }
   207  		else
   208  			{ 1; };
   209  	};
   210  	fac(10);`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(10*9*8*5040)));
   211  	assert_eq( evalString(`var fib = fun(x){
   212  		if(x<2)
   213  			{ 1; }
   214  		else
   215  			{ fib(x-1) + fib(x-2); };
   216  	};
   217  	fib(10);`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(89)));
   218  }
   220  unittest
   221  {
   222  	assert_throw!Throwable( evalString(`@s "+"=fun(x,y){x-y};@s(1+2)`) );
   223  	assert_eq( evalString(`@s "+"=fun(x,y){x-y};1+2`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(3)) );
   224  	assert_eq( evalString(`@s "+"=fun(x,y){@v(@s(x)-@s(y))};1+2`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(3)) );
   225  	assert_eq( evalString(`@s "+"=fun(x,y){@v(@s(x)-@s(y))};@s(1+2)`).val, new IntValue(BigInt(-1)) );
   226  }