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Artifact de91c770214a43a1c014c35e6dfa49b7d931de78

 * Authors: k.inaba
 * License: NYSL 0.9982
 * Parser for Polemy programming language
module polemy.parse;
import polemy._common;
import polemy.lex;
import polemy.ast;

/// Parsing Failure

class ParserException : Exception
	this(string msg) { super(msg); }
	static ParserException create(Lexer)(Lexer lex, string msg)
		return new ParserException(sprintf!"[%s] %s"(
			lex.empty ? "EOF" : to!string(lex.front.pos), msg));

/// Named Constructor of Parser

auto parserFromLexer(Lexer)(Lexer lex)
	return new Parser!Lexer(lex);

/// Named Constructor of Parser (just fwd to lexerFromString)

auto parserFromString(T...)(T params)
	return parserFromLexer(polemy.lex.lexerFromString(params));

/// Named Constructor of Parser (just fwd to lexerFromFile)

auto parserFromFile(T...)(T params)
	return parserFromLexer(polemy.lex.lexerFromFile(params));

/// Parser

class Parser(Lexer)
	this(Lexer lex)
		this.lex = lex;

	Program parseProgram()
		Program p = parseStatements();
		if( !lex.empty ) {
			auto e = ParserException.create(lex, "cannot reach eof");
			throw e;
		return p;

	Program parseStatements()
		Program p;
		while( !lex.empty && (lex.front.quoted || lex.front.str!="}") )
			p ~= parseStatement();
		return p;
	Statement parseStatement()
		auto saved =;
		scope(failure) lex = saved;

		if( lex.empty )
			throw new ParserException("EOF during parsing a statement");
		auto pos = lex.front.pos;

		if( !lex.front.quoted && lex.front.str=="var" )
			// "var" Var "=" Expression ";"
			string var = lex.front.str;
			eat("=", "for variable declaration");
			auto parsed = new DeclStatement(pos, var, parseExpression());
			eat(";", "after variable declaration");
			return parsed;
			// Expression ";"
			auto parsed = new ExprStatement(pos, parseExpression());
			eat(";", "after statement");
			return parsed;

	Expression parseExpression()
		auto saved =;
		scope(failure) lex = saved;
		return parseE(0);

	// [TODO] multi-char operators are not supported by the lexer...
	static immutable string[][] operator_perferences = [
		["<<", ">>"],

	Expression parseE(int level = 0)
		if( operator_perferences.length <= level )
			return parseBaseExpression();
			auto ops = operator_perferences[level];
			auto e = parseE(level+1);
			while( !lex.empty )
				auto pos = lex.front.pos;
				foreach(op; ops)
					if( tryEat(op) )
						if( op == "=" ) // right assoc
							return new AssignExpression(e.pos, e, parseE(level));
							e = new FuncallExpression(e.pos, new VarExpression(pos, op), e, parseE(level+1));
						continue seq;
			return e;

	Expression parseBaseExpression()
		if( lex.empty )
			throw new ParserException("EOF during parsing an expression");
		auto pos = lex.front.pos;
		Expression e = parseBaseBaseExpression();
		while( tryEat("(") ) // funcall
			Expression[] args;
			while( !tryEat(")") ) {
				if( lex.empty ) {
					auto ex = ParserException.create(lex,"Unexpected EOF");
					throw ex;
				args ~= parseE();
				if( !tryEat(",") ) {
					eat(")", "after function parameters");
			e = new FuncallExpression(pos, e, args);
		return e;

	Expression parseBaseBaseExpression()
		if( lex.empty )
			throw new ParserException("EOF during parsing an expression");
		auto pos = lex.front.pos;

		if( lex.front.quoted )
			scope(exit) lex.popFront;
			return new StrLiteralExpression(pos, lex.front.str);
		if( isNumber(lex.front.str) ) // is_number
			scope(exit) lex.popFront;
			return new IntLiteralExpression(pos, BigInt(cast(string)lex.front.str));
		if( tryEat("(") )
			auto e = parseE();
			eat(")", "after parenthesized expression");
			return e;
		if( tryEat("if") )
			eat("(", "after if");
			auto cond = parseE();
			eat(")", "after if condition");
			auto thenPos = lex.front.pos;
			eat("{", "after if condition");
			Statement[] th = parseStatements();
			eat("}", "after if-then body");
			Statement[] el;
			auto elsePos = lex.front.pos;
			if( tryEat("else") ) {
				eat("{", "after else");
				el = parseStatements();
				eat("}", "after else body");
			return new FuncallExpression(pos, 
				new VarExpression(pos, "if"),
				new FunLiteralExpression(thenPos, [], th),
				new FunLiteralExpression(elsePos, [], el)

		if( tryEat("fun") )
			eat("(", "after fun");
			string[] params;
				if( lex.empty ) {
					auto e = ParserException.create(lex,"Unexpected EOF");
					throw e;
				if( lex.front.quoted ) {
					auto e = ParserException.create(lex,"Identifier Expected for parameters");
					throw e;
				params ~= lex.front.str;
				if( !tryEat(",") ) {
					eat(")", "after function parameters");
			eat("{", "after function parameters");
			Statement[] funbody;
			while(!tryEat("}")) {
				if( lex.empty ) {
					auto e = ParserException.create(lex,"Unexpected EOF");
					throw e;
				funbody ~= parseStatement();
			return new FunLiteralExpression(pos, params, funbody);
		scope(exit) lex.popFront;
		return new VarExpression(pos, lex.front.str);

	Lexer lex;

	void eat(string kwd, lazy string msg)
		if( !tryEat(kwd) )
			auto e = ParserException.create(lex, "'"~kwd~"' is expected "~msg~" but '"
				~(lex.empty ? "EOF" : lex.front.str)~"' occured");
			throw e;

	bool tryEat(string kwd)
		if( lex.empty || lex.front.quoted || lex.front.str!=kwd )
			return false;
		return true;

	bool isNumber(string s)
		return find!(`a<'0'||'9'<a`)(s).empty;

	auto p = parserFromString(`
		var x = 100;
		var y = 200;
	Program prog = p.parseProgram();
	assert( prog.length == 2 );
	auto p0 = cast(DeclStatement)prog[0];
	auto p1 = cast(DeclStatement)prog[1];
	assert( p0.var == "x" );
	assert( p1.var == "y" );
	assert( (cast(IntLiteralExpression)p0.expr).data == 100 );
	assert( (cast(IntLiteralExpression)p1.expr).data == 200 );

	auto p = parserFromString(`
		var zzz = 100; # comment
		zzz = zzz + zzz * "fo\no"; # comment
	auto s0 = new DeclStatement(null, "zzz", new IntLiteralExpression(null, BigInt(100)));
	auto s1 = new ExprStatement(null, new AssignExpression(null,
		new VarExpression(null, "zzz"),
		new FuncallExpression(null, new VarExpression(null,"+"),
			new VarExpression(null, "zzz"),
			new FuncallExpression(null, new VarExpression(null,"*"),
				new VarExpression(null, "zzz"),
				new StrLiteralExpression(null, "fo\\no")
	auto s2 = new ExprStatement(null, new IntLiteralExpression(null, BigInt(42)));
	Program prog = p.parseProgram();
	assert( prog.length == 3 );
	assert( prog[0] == s0 );
	assert( prog[1] == s1 );
	assert( prog[2] == s2 );

	auto p = parserFromString(`
		var f = fun(x,y){x+y;};
	Program prog = p.parseProgram();
	assert( prog.length == 2 );
	assert( prog[0] == new DeclStatement(null, "f", new FunLiteralExpression(null,
		["x","y"], [new ExprStatement(null,
			new FuncallExpression(null, new VarExpression(null, "+"),
			new VarExpression(null, "x"), new VarExpression(null, "y")))]
	assert( prog[1] == new ExprStatement(null, new FuncallExpression(null,
		new VarExpression(null, "f"),
		new IntLiteralExpression(null, BigInt(1)),
		new FuncallExpression(null,
			new FunLiteralExpression(null, ["abc"], [
			new IntLiteralExpression(null, BigInt(4))

	auto p = parserFromString(`var x = 1; var f = fun(){x=x+1;}; f(); f(); x;`);
	Program prog = p.parseProgram();

	auto p = parserFromString(`if(x<2){1;}else{x;};`);
	Program prog = p.parseProgram();
	assert( prog[0] == new ExprStatement(null, new FuncallExpression(null,
		new VarExpression(null, "if"),
		new FuncallExpression(null, new VarExpression(null,"<"), new VarExpression(null,"x"),
			new IntLiteralExpression(null, BigInt(2))),
		new FunLiteralExpression(null, [], [new ExprStatement(null, new IntLiteralExpression(null, BigInt(1)))]),
		new FunLiteralExpression(null, [], [new ExprStatement(null, new VarExpression(null, "x"))])