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 * Authors: k.inaba
 * License: NYSL 0.9982
 * Lexer for Polemy programming language.
module polemy.lex;
import polemy._common;
import std.file  : readText;
import std.ctype : isspace, isalnum;

template ExceptionWithPosition()
	const LexPosition pos;
	this( const LexPosition pos, string msg, string file=null, size_t line=0, Throwable next=null )
		{ super(sprintf!"[%s] %s"(pos, msg), file, line, next); this.pos = pos; }

/// Thrown when encountered an EOF in the middle of a lexical token

class UnexpectedEOF : Exception
	mixin ExceptionWithPosition;

/// Thrown when encountered a lexical error

class LexException : Exception
	mixin ExceptionWithPosition;

/// Represents a position in source codes

class LexPosition
	immutable string filename; /// name of the source file
	immutable int    lineno;   /// 1-origin
	immutable int    column;   /// 1-origin

	mixin SimpleClass;
	override string toString() const
		{ return sprintf!"%s:%d:%d"(filename, lineno, column); }

	static immutable LexPosition dummy;
	static this(){ dummy = new immutable(LexPosition)("<unnamed>",0,0); }

	auto p = new LexPosition("hello.cpp", 123, 45);

	assert_eq( p.filename, "hello.cpp" );
	assert_eq( p.lineno, 123 );
	assert_eq( p.column, 45 );
	assert_eq( text(p), "hello.cpp:123:45" );

	assert( !__traits(compiles, new LexPosition) );
	assert( !__traits(compiles, p.filename="foo") );
	assert( !__traits(compiles, p.lineno  =789) );
	assert( !__traits(compiles, p.column  =222) );

	auto q = new LexPosition("hello.cpp", 123, 46);
	assert_lt( p, q );
	assert_ne( p, q );

/// Represents a lexer token

class Token
	immutable LexPosition pos;    /// Position where the token occurred in the source
	immutable string      str;    /// The token string itself
	immutable bool        quoted; /// Was it a "quoted" token or unquoted?

	mixin SimpleClass;

	auto p = new immutable(LexPosition)("hello.cpp", 123, 45);
	auto t = new Token(p, "class", false);
	auto u = new Token(p, "class", true);

	assert_eq( t.pos, p );
	assert_eq( t.str, "class" );
	assert( !t.quoted );
	assert_eq( t, new Token(p, "class", false) );
	assert_lt( t, new Token(p, "struct", false) );
	assert_ne( t, u );
	assert( u.quoted );

	assert( !__traits(compiles, new Token) );
	assert( !__traits(compiles, t.pos=p) );
	assert( !__traits(compiles, t.str=789) );
	assert( !__traits(compiles, t.quoted=true) );

/// Named Construtors for Lexer

Lexer lexerFromFile(T...)( string filename, T ln_cn )
	return lexerFromString( std.file.readText(filename), filename, ln_cn );
/// Named Construtor for Lexer

LexerT!(PositionedReader!CharSeq) /* ddoc doesn't recognize auto return... bugzilla:2581 */
lexerFromString(CharSeq)( CharSeq str, string filename="<unnamed>", int lineno=1, int column=1 )
 	return new LexerT!(PositionedReader!CharSeq)(
		PositionedReader!CharSeq(str, filename, lineno, column)

/// Standard Lexer Type (all you have to know is that this is a forward range of Tokens!)

alias LexerT!(PositionedReader!string) Lexer;

/// Lexer Implementation

class LexerT(Reader)
	if( isForwardRange!(Reader) && is(ElementType!(Reader)==dchar) )
	/// Range primitive
	bool empty() /*@property*/
		return current is null;

	/// Range primitive
	Token front() /*@property*/
		return std.exception.enforce(current, "Lexer has already reached the end");

	/// Range primitive
	void popFront() /*@property*/
		std.exception.enforce(current, "Lexer has already reached the end");
		current = readNext();

	/// Range primitive
	typeof(this) save() /*@property*/
		return new typeof(this)(, current);

private: // implementation

	Reader reader;
	Token  current;

		assert( reader.empty || !isSpace(reader.front) );

	this( Reader reader, Token current = null )
		this.reader = reader;
		this.current = (current is null ? readNext() : current);

	public static
		bool isSpace   (dchar c) { return std.ctype.isspace(c)!=0; }
		bool isSymbol  (dchar c) { return 0x21<=c && c<=0x7f && !std.ctype.isalnum(c) && c!='_' && c!='\''; }
		bool isSSymbol (dchar c) { return "()[]{};@".canFind(c); }
		bool isMSymbol (dchar c) { return isSymbol(c) && !isSSymbol(c) && c!='"' && c!='#'; }
		bool isLetter  (dchar c) { return !isSpace(c) && !isSymbol(c); }

	string readQuoted(const LexPosition pos){char[] buf; return readQuoted(pos,buf);}
	string readQuoted(const LexPosition pos, ref char[] buf)
		if( reader.empty )
			throw genex!UnexpectedEOF(pos, "Quoted string not terminated");
		dchar c = reader.front;
		if( c == '"' )
			return assumeUnique(buf);
		if( c == '\\' && !reader.empty ) {
			if( reader.front=='"' ) {
				return readQuoted(pos,buf ~= '\"');
			if( reader.front=='\\' ) {
				return readQuoted(pos,buf ~= '\\');
		return readQuoted(pos,buf ~= c);

	string readWhile(alias fn)()
		char[] buf;
		for(; !reader.empty && fn(reader.front); reader.popFront)
			buf ~= reader.front;
		return assumeUnique(buf);

	Token readNext()
		if( reader.empty )
			return null;
		if( reader.front == '#' ) // comment
			reader = find(reader, '\n');
			return readNext();
		else if( reader.front == '"' ) // quoted
			auto pos = reader.currentPosition();
			return new Token(pos, readQuoted(pos), true);
		else if( isSSymbol(reader.front) ) // paren
			auto pos = reader.currentPosition();
			string s; s~=reader.front; reader.popFront;
			return new Token(pos, s, false);
		else if( isMSymbol(reader.front) ) // symbol
			auto pos = reader.currentPosition();
			return new Token(pos, readWhile!isMSymbol(), false);
			auto pos = reader.currentPosition();
			return new Token(pos, readWhile!isLetter(), false);

	assert( std.range.isForwardRange!(Lexer) );
	assert( is(ElementType!(Lexer) == Token) );

	auto lex = lexerFromString("this	is a \t\r\n pen :-( @@;  ");
	Token[] ts = std.array.array(lex);

	assert_eq( ts[0].pos.lineno, 1 );
	assert_eq( ts[0].pos.column, 1 );
	assert(   !ts[0].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts[0].str, "this" );

	assert_eq( ts[1].pos.lineno, 1 );
	assert_eq( ts[1].pos.column, 6 );
	assert(   !ts[1].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts[1].str, "is" );

	assert_eq( ts[2].pos.lineno, 1 );
	assert_eq( ts[2].pos.column, 9 );
	assert(   !ts[2].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts[2].str, "a" );

	assert_eq( ts[3].pos.lineno, 2 );
	assert_eq( ts[3].pos.column, 2 );
	assert(   !ts[3].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts[3].str, "pen" );

	assert_eq( ts[4].pos.lineno, 2 );
	assert_eq( ts[4].pos.column, 6 );
	assert_eq( ts[4].str, ":-" );

	assert_eq( ts[5].pos.lineno, 2 );
	assert_eq( ts[5].pos.column, 8 );
	assert_eq( ts[5].str, "(" );
	assert_eq( ts[6].str, "@" );
	assert_eq( ts[7].str, "@" );
	assert_eq( ts[8].str, ";" ); // paren and simicolons, atmarks are split

	assert_eq( ts.length, 9 );

	// !! be sure to run the unittest on the root of the source directory
	auto lexf = lexerFromFile("polemy/lex.d");	
	lexf = find!`a.str == "module"`(lexf);
	assert_eq( lexf.front.str, "module" );
	assert_eq( lexf.front.pos.filename, "polemy/lex.d" );
	assert_eq( lexf.front.pos.lineno, 7 );
	assert_eq( lexf.front.pos.column, 1 );
	assert_eq( lexf.front.str, "polemy" );
	assert_eq( lexf.front.pos.lineno, 7 );
	assert_eq( lexf.front.pos.column, 8 );
	assert_eq( lexf.front.str, "import" );
	assert_eq( lexf.front.pos.lineno, 8 );
	assert_eq( lexf.front.pos.column, 1 );

	assert_throw!UnexpectedEOF( lexerFromString(`"`) );

	auto lex = lexerFromString(`my # comment should`~"\r\n"~`# hey!!
be ignored.
hahaha"hihihi""hu\\\"huhu"#123 aa
123 aa "aaa`~"\n"~`bbb # 123`~"\r\n"~`eee"
	Token[] ts = std.array.array(lex);
	assert_eq( ts[0].str, "my" );
	assert_eq( ts[0].pos.lineno, 1 );
	assert(   !ts[0].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts[1].str, "be" );
	assert_eq( ts[1].pos.lineno, 3 );
	assert(   !ts[1].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts[2].str, "ignored" );
	assert(   !ts[2].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts[3].str, "." );
	assert(   !ts[3].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts[4].str, "hahaha" );
	assert_eq( ts[4].pos.lineno, 4 );
	assert(   !ts[4].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts[5].str, "hihihi" );
	assert_eq( ts[5].pos.lineno, 4 );
	assert(    ts[5].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts[6].str, `hu\"huhu` );
	assert_eq( ts[6].pos.lineno, 4 );
	assert(    ts[6].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts[7].str, "123" );
	assert_eq( ts[7].pos.lineno, 5 );
	assert_eq( ts[8].str, "aa" );
	assert_eq( ts[9].pos.lineno, 5 );
	assert_eq( ts[9].str, "aaa\nbbb # 123\neee" );
	assert(    ts[9].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts[10].pos.lineno, 8 );
	assert(   !ts[10].quoted );
	assert_eq( ts.length, 11 );

	auto lex2 = lexerFromString(" a12\n3a 5 ");
	assert_eq( lex2.front.str, "a12" );
	auto lex3 =;
	assert_eq( lex2.front.str, "3a" );
	assert_eq( lex3.front.str, "3a" );
	assert_eq( lex2.front.str, "5" );
	assert( lex2.empty );
	assert( !lex3.empty );
	assert_eq( lex3.front.str, "5" );

	auto lex = lexerFromString(`=""`);
	assert_eq(lex.front.str, "="); lex.popFront;
	assert_eq(lex.front.str, ""); lex.popFront;
	assert( lex.empty );
	assert_eq( lexerFromString(`-@`).front.str, "-" );

/// Forward range for reader character by character,
/// keeping track of position information and caring \r\n -> \n conversion.

struct PositionedReader(CharSeq)
	if( isForwardRange!(CharSeq) && is(ElementType!(CharSeq)==dchar) )
	CharSeq buffer;
	string  filename;
	int     lineno;
	int     column;

	/// Range primitive
	bool empty() /*@property*/
		return buffer.empty;

	/// Range primitive
	dchar front() /*@property*/
		dchar c = buffer.front;
		return (c=='\r' ? '\n' : c);

	/// Range primitive
	void popFront() /*@property*/
		dchar c = buffer.front;
		if( c=='\r' )
			if( !buffer.empty && buffer.front=='\n' )
			c = '\n';
		if( c=='\n' )
			lineno ++;	
			column = 1;
			column ++;

	/// Range primitive
	typeof(this) save() /*@property*/
		return this;

	/// Get the current position
	immutable(LexPosition) currentPosition() const
		return new immutable(LexPosition)(filename, lineno, column);

	assert( isForwardRange!(PositionedReader!string) );
	assert( is(ElementType!(PositionedReader!string) == dchar) );