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Artifact fbe471845b86f85921a85e599ddf9a1105fb60b1

 * Authors: k.inaba
 * License: NYSL 0.9982
 * Parser for Polemy programming language
module polemy.parse;
import polemy._common;
import polemy.lex;
import polemy.ast;

class ParseException : Exception
	mixin ExceptionWithPosition;

/// Entry points of this module

AST parseString(S, T...)(S str, T fn_ln_cn)
	{ return parserFromString(str, fn_ln_cn).parse(); }

/// Entry points of this module

AST parseFile(S, T...)(S filename, T ln_cn)
	{ return parserFromFile(filename, ln_cn).parse(); }

// Named Constructors of Parser

private auto parserFromLexer(Lexer)(Lexer lex)
	{ return new Parser!Lexer(lex); }

private auto parserFromString(T...)(T params)
	{ return parserFromLexer(polemy.lex.lexerFromString(params)); }

private auto parserFromFile(T...)(T params)
	{ return parserFromLexer(polemy.lex.lexerFromFile(params)); }

// Parser

private class Parser(Lexer)
	if( isForwardRange!(Lexer) && is(ElementType!(Lexer) == Token) )
	AST parse()
		auto e = Body();
		if( !lex.empty )
			throw genex!ParseException(currentPosition(), "parsing ended but some tokens left");
		return e;

	AST Body()
		if( lex.empty || !lex.front.quoted && ["}",")","]"].canFind(lex.front.str) )
			return doNothingExpression();

		auto saved =;
		auto pos = lex.front.pos;
		string kwd = lex.front.str;
		if( tryEat("let") || tryEat("var") || tryEat("def") || tryEat("@") )
			if( kwd == "@" ) {
				kwd ~= eatId("after @",true);
				if( tryEat("(") ) {
					lex = saved;
					goto asExpression;
			immutable LexPosition varpos = (lex.empty ? null : lex.front.pos);
			string var = eatId("after "~kwd,true);
			// [TODO] refactor. only auto e = ... differ
			if(tryEat("(")) {
				kwd = (kwd[0]=='@' ? kwd : ""); // "let, var, def ==> neutral layer"
				auto e = parseLambdaAfterOpenParen(varpos);
				if( tryEat(";") && !lex.empty && (lex.front.quoted || !["}",")","]"].canFind(lex.front.str)) )
					return new LetExpression(pos, var, kwd, e, Body());
					return new LetExpression(pos, var, kwd, e, new VarExpression(varpos, var));
			} else {
				eat("=", "after "~kwd);
				kwd = (kwd[0]=='@' ? kwd : ""); // "let, var, def ==> neutral layer"
				auto e = E(0);
				if( tryEat(";") && !lex.empty && (lex.front.quoted || !["}",")","]"].canFind(lex.front.str)) )
					return new LetExpression(pos, var, kwd, e, Body());
					return new LetExpression(pos, var, kwd, e, new VarExpression(varpos, var));
			auto e = E(0);
			if( tryEat(";") && !lex.empty && (lex.front.quoted || (lex.front.str!="}" && lex.front.str!=")")) )
				return new LetExpression(pos, "_", "", e, Body());
				return e;

	// [TODO] make customizable from program
	static immutable string[][] operator_perferences = [
		["<<", ">>"],

	AST E(int level)
		if( operator_perferences.length <= level )
			return Funcall();
			auto ops = operator_perferences[level];
			auto e = E(level+1);
			while( !lex.empty )
				auto pos = lex.front.pos;
				foreach(op; ops)
					if( tryEat(op) )
						e = new FuncallExpression(e.pos, new VarExpression(pos, op), e, E(level+1));
						continue seq;
			return e;

	AST Funcall()
		auto e = BaseExpression();
		while( tryEat("(") )
			auto pos = currentPosition();
			AST[] args;
			while( !tryEat(")") ) {
				if( lex.empty )
					throw genex!UnexpectedEOF(pos,"Closing ')' for arguments not found");
				args ~= E(0);
				if( !tryEat(",") ) {
					eat(")", "after function parameters");
			e = new FuncallExpression(e.pos, e, args);
		return e;

	AST BaseExpression()
		if( lex.empty )
			throw genex!UnexpectedEOF(currentPosition(), "Reached EOF when tried to parse an expression");

		auto pos = lex.front.pos;
		if( lex.front.quoted )
			scope(exit) lex.popFront;
			return new StrLiteral(pos, lex.front.str);
		if( isNumber(lex.front.str) )
			scope(exit) lex.popFront;
			return new IntLiteral(pos, BigInt(cast(string)lex.front.str));
		if( tryEat("@") )
			auto lay = "@"~eatId("for layer ID");
			eat("(", "for layered execution");
			auto e = Body();
			eat(")", "after "~lay~"(...");
			return new LayeredExpression(pos, lay, e);
		if( tryEat("(") )
			auto e = Body();
			eat(")", "after parenthesized expression");
			return e;
		if( tryEat("if") )
			eat("(", "after if");
			auto cond = E(0);
			eat(")", "after if condition");
			auto thenPos = lex.front.pos;
			eat("{", "after if condition");
			auto th = Body();
			eat("}", "after if-then body");
			auto el = doNothingExpression();
			auto elsePos = (lex.empty ? LexPosition.dummy : lex.front.pos);
			if( tryEat("else") ) {
				eat("{", "after else");
				el = Body();
				eat("}", "after else body");
			return new FuncallExpression(pos, 
				new VarExpression(pos, "if"),
				new FunLiteral(thenPos, [], th),
				new FunLiteral(elsePos, [], el)
		if( tryEat("fun") || tryEat("\u03BB") )
			eat("(", "after fun");
			return parseLambdaAfterOpenParen(pos);
		scope(exit) lex.popFront;
		return new VarExpression(pos, lex.front.str);

	AST parseLambdaAfterOpenParen(immutable LexPosition pos)
		Parameter[] params;
		while( !tryEat(")") )
			params ~= new Parameter(eatId("for function parameter"), []);
			if( !tryEat(",") ) {
				eat(")", "after function parameters");
		eat("{", "after function parameters");
		auto funbody = Body();
		eat("}", "after function body");
		return new FunLiteral(pos, params, funbody);

	Lexer lex;
	this(Lexer lex) { this.lex = lex; }

	void eat(string kwd, lazy string msg)
		if( !tryEat(kwd) )
			if( lex.empty )
				throw genex!UnexpectedEOF(
					currentPosition(), sprintf!"%s is expected for %s but not found"(kwd,msg));
				throw genex!ParseException(
					currentPosition(), sprintf!"%s is expected for %s but not found"(kwd,msg));

	bool tryEat(string kwd)
		if( lex.empty || lex.front.quoted || lex.front.str!=kwd )
			return false;
		return true;

	string eatId(lazy string msg, bool allowQuoted=false)
		if( lex.empty )
			throw genex!UnexpectedEOF(currentPosition(), "identifier is expected but not found "~msg);
		if( !allowQuoted && lex.front.quoted )
			throw genex!ParseException(currentPosition(), "identifier is expected but not found "~msg);
		scope(exit) lex.popFront;
		return lex.front.str;

	bool isNumber(string s)
		return find!(`a<'0'||'9'<a`)(s).empty;

	AST doNothingExpression()
		return new IntLiteral(currentPosition(), BigInt(178));

	immutable(LexPosition) currentPosition()
		return lex.empty ? null : lex.front.pos;

	mixin EasyAST;

	assert_eq(parseString(`123`), intl(123));
	assert_eq(parseString(`"foo"`), strl("foo"));
	assert_eq(parseString(`fun(){1}`), fun([],intl(1)));
	assert_eq(parseString(`fun(x){1}`), fun(["x"],intl(1)));
	assert_eq(parseString("\u03BB(){1}"), fun([],intl(1)));
	assert_eq(parseString("\u03BB(x){1}"), fun(["x"],intl(1)));
	assert_eq(parseString(`1;2`), let("_","",intl(1),intl(2)));
	assert_eq(parseString(`1;2;`), let("_","",intl(1),intl(2)));
	assert_eq(parseString(`let x=1;2`), let("x","",intl(1),intl(2)));
	assert_eq(parseString(`var x=1;2;`), let("x","",intl(1),intl(2)));
	assert_eq(parseString(`def x=1`), let("x","",intl(1),var("x")));
	assert_eq(parseString(`@val x=1;`), let("x","@val",intl(1),var("x")));
	assert_eq(parseString(`@typ x="#int";`), let("x","@typ",strl("#int"),var("x")));
	assert_eq(parseString(`f(1,2)`), call(var("f"),intl(1),intl(2)));
	assert_eq(parseString(`if(1){2}`), call(var("if"),intl(1),fun([],intl(2)),fun([],intl(178))));
	assert_eq(parseString(`if(1){2}else{3}`), call(var("if"),intl(1),fun([],intl(2)),fun([],intl(3))));
	assert_eq(parseString(`1+2*3`), call(var("+"),intl(1),call(var("*"),intl(2),intl(3))));
	assert_eq(parseString(`(1+2)*3`), call(var("*"),call(var("+"),intl(1),intl(2)),intl(3)));
	assert_eq(parseString(`1*(2+3)`), call(var("*"),intl(1),call(var("+"),intl(2),intl(3))));
	assert_eq(parseString(`1*2+3`), call(var("+"),call(var("*"),intl(1),intl(2)),intl(3)));
	assert_eq(parseString(`@x(1)`), lay("@x", intl(1)));

		let x = 100; #comment
		let y = 200; #comment!!!!!
		let("x", "", intl(100), let("y", "", intl(200), call(var("+"), var("x"), var("y"))))

		var fac = fun(x){ if(x <= 1) {1} else {x*fac(x-1)} };
		let("fac", "", fun(["x"],
				call(var("<="), var("x"), intl(1)),
				fun([], intl(1)),
				fun([], call(var("*"), var("x"), call(var("fac"),call(var("-"),var("x"),intl(1)))))

	assert_throw!UnexpectedEOF(parseString(`let "x"`));
	assert_throw!ParseException(parseString(`@val x ==`));

	mixin EasyAST;
	assert_eq(parseString(`def foo(x) { x+1 }; foo`),
		let("foo", "",
			fun(["x"], call(var("+"), var("x"), intl(1))),