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Differences From Artifact [4c996bb5859ed5ea]:

To Artifact [d70e48b147acc242]:

24 24 assert_eq( sprintf!"%s == %04d"("1+2", 3), "1+2 == 0003" ); 25 25 assert_eq( sprintf!"%2$s == %1$s"("1+2", 5, 8), "5 == 1+2" ); 26 26 assert_throw!Error( sprintf!"%s%s"(1) ); 27 27 } 28 28 29 29 /// Create an exception with automatically completed filename and lineno information 30 30 31 -auto genex(ExceptionType, string fn=__FILE__, int ln=__LINE__, T...)(T params) 31 +ExceptionType genex(ExceptionType, string fn=__FILE__, int ln=__LINE__, T...)(T params) 32 32 { 33 33 static if( T.length > 0 && is(T[$-1] : Throwable) ) 34 34 return new ExceptionType(params[0..$-1], fn, ln, params[$-1]); 35 35 else 36 36 return new ExceptionType(params, fn, ln); 37 37 } 38 38 ................................................................................ 44 44 } 45 45 46 46 /// Mixing-in the bean constructor for a class 47 47 48 48 /*mixin*/ 49 49 template SimpleConstructor() 50 50 { 51 + /// member-by-member constructor 51 52 static if( is(typeof(super) == Object) || super.tupleof.length==0 ) 52 53 this( typeof(this.tupleof) params ) 53 54 { 54 55 static if(this.tupleof.length>0) 55 56 this.tupleof = params; 56 57 } 57 58 else ................................................................................ 89 90 assert_eq( (new Tomp(1,"foo",2.5)).z, 2.5 ); 90 91 assert( !__traits(compiles, new Tomp(3.14)) ); 91 92 92 93 // shiyo- desu. Don't use in this way. 93 94 // Tamp tries to call new Tomp(real) (because it only sees Tomp's members), 94 95 // but it fails because Tomp takes (int,string,real). 95 96 assert( !__traits(compiles, { 96 - class Tamp : Tomp 97 - { 98 - mixin SimpleConstructor; 99 - } 97 + class Tamp : Tomp { mixin SimpleConstructor; } 100 98 }) ); 101 99 } 102 100 103 101 /// Mixing-in the MOST-DERIVED-member-wise comparator for a class 104 102 105 103 /*mixin*/ 106 104 template SimpleCompare() 107 105 { 108 - override bool opEquals(Object rhs_) const 106 + override bool opEquals(Object rhs_) const /// member-by-member equality 109 107 { 110 108 if( auto rhs = cast(typeof(this))rhs_ ) 111 109 { 112 110 foreach(i,_; this.tupleof) 113 111 if( this.tupleof[i] != rhs.tupleof[i] ) 114 112 return false; 115 113 return true; 116 114 } 117 115 assert(false, sprintf!"Cannot compare %s with %s"(typeid(this), typeid(rhs_))); 118 116 } 119 117 120 - override hash_t toHash() const 118 + override hash_t toHash() const /// member-by-member hash 121 119 { 122 120 hash_t h = 0; 123 121 foreach(mem; this.tupleof) 124 122 h += typeid(mem).getHash(&mem); 125 123 return h; 126 124 } 127 125 128 - override int opCmp(Object rhs_) const 126 + override int opCmp(Object rhs_) const /// member-by-member compare 129 127 { 130 128 if( auto rhs = cast(typeof(this))rhs_ ) 131 129 { 132 130 foreach(i,_; this.tupleof) 133 131 if(auto c = typeid(_).compare(&this.tupleof[i],&rhs.tupleof[i])) 134 132 return c; 135 133 return 0; ................................................................................ 167 165 } 168 166 169 167 /// Mixing-in a simple toString method 170 168 171 169 /*mixin*/ 172 170 template SimpleToString() 173 171 { 172 + /// member-by-member toString 174 173 override string toString() 175 174 { 176 175 string str = sprintf!"%s("(typeof(this).stringof); 177 176 foreach(i,mem; this.tupleof) 178 177 { 179 178 if(i) str ~= ","; 180 179 static if( is(typeof(mem) == std.bigint.BigInt) )