Check-in [0569f7b8c2]
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SHA1 Hash:0569f7b8c23ef9b26e3b3cb4aae86b9fb0dbf2a5
Date: 2010-11-07 23:34:29
User: kinaba
Comment:- Added function literal evaluator (i.e., closure). - Workaround for d2stacktrace's infinite-loop bug. (when std.demangle.demangle use exception inside it, it will go into an infinite loop. to avoid this, I choose to unset TraceHandler during stacktrace generation. This is far from the complete solution, but at least it should work as expected under single-thread environment...)
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Modified d2stacktrace/stacktrace.d from [02abce9abb958e1c] to [059fc11fc8a1312c].    [diff]

Modified polemy/_common.d from [0abd8de4d8be4f44] to [935cc3e03ebe462f].    [diff]

Modified polemy/eval.d from [c5ee9ab6830c78bd] to [cea762cacb86424f].    [diff]

Modified polemy/parse.d from [4856c979362ef435] to [1d6de9cb69bbf7d4].    [diff]

Modified polemy/runtime.d from [c94ffd3733368117] to [eb7f695558db6c0f].    [diff]

Modified polemy/tricks.d from [193cf29f54393c6e] to [16f826d18ff480be].    [diff]