Check-in [0f02103885]
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SHA1 Hash:0f02103885bdb17f3e5c15aa69c4c308e37f8157
Date: 2010-11-09 16:27:21
User: kinaba
Comment:let, var, def became layer-neutral definition (not @val). scope splitting (let x=1;let x=2;let y=(let x=3);x is 1) is correctly implemented now.
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Tags And Properties

Modified polemy/eval.d from [c3d65954914654a5] to [73d121b46bcd4718].    [diff]

Modified polemy/parse.d from [5f90478aa23ae726] to [e14df84da140adf3].    [diff]

Modified tricks/test.d from [de7560f1ecccee67] to [314aad0104b85557].    [diff]