Check-in [3fb4d6f9ad]
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SHA1 Hash:3fb4d6f9ad513b3d547870d8ea5b5027befba309
Date: 2010-11-30 11:21:42
User: kinaba
Comment:during @userdefinedlayer function evaluation, if lift(bottom) fails, the recursion is not memoized
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
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Tags And Properties

Modified polemy/eval.d from [969111acf2042a22] to [f4751e4eb7df513a].    [diff]

Modified polemy/lex.d from [b98d4e6a5ceb6fb9] to [8d68dafbd094d6fe].    [diff]

Modified sample/type.pmy from [e50284fdcde212f7] to [a04d420215bb851f].    [diff]