Check-in [f86026acb8]
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SHA1 Hash:f86026acb8636d5b302809e88477a8321c43ed62
Date: 2010-11-22 00:48:16
User: kinaba
Comment:macro cache and automemoization reloaded. auto re-run implemented. but automemo and autorerun is currently disabled. we need Table.opCmp... we also need to think more about the memoization
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
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Tags And Properties

Modified polemy/eval.d from [c85d31e67d8ceb4b] to [9a9618fb0277f966].    [diff]

Modified polemy/value.d from [aeb12eeaab91afb4] to [0386a7dd31807f87].    [diff]

Modified sample/pattern.pmy from [683a8d961c6525cd] to [3044d19024152b10].    [diff]

Modified sample/type.pmy from [c9a55d8e7b3293ae] to [ed44c7901d3c5853].    [diff]